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Enviros Seek Repeal of Fracking Loophole

People in many parts of the U.S. blame gas drilling for causing the water in their wells to go bad. In 2005, the Bush administration got Congress to exempt from the Safe Drinking Water Act a drilling practice called "fracking." Now environmentalists hope to repeal the exemption and the gas industry is mounting a defense.
Source: ProPublica, 05/27/2009

"CN Rail Pleads Guilty for Massive Oil Spills"

"Canadian National Railway pleaded guilty on Monday to polluting Canada's wilderness in two train derailments, one of them resulting in the largest inland oil spill in Canada's history."
Source: AFP, 05/26/2009

Newborns Tested for Plastic Risk

"Critically ill newborns may help researchers figure out whether children are at risk from plastic additives called phthalates."
Source: NPR, 05/20/2009
