Search results

"Blind Rush? Shale Gas Boom Proceeds Amid Human Health Questions"

"For shale gas to meet its potential, millions of Americans will have to live with drill rigs in or near their own neighborhoods. And that opens the door to a range of potential environmental health problems: pipelines and wellheads can explode, the process produces toxic air emissions, and fracking generates liquid wastes that can contaminate surface and drinking water supplies."

Source: EHP, 08/11/2011

"Storm Threatens Sea Dyke Near China Chemical Plant"

"A storm battering the northeast Chinese coast on Monday whipped up waves that threatened a dyke protecting a chemical plant, forcing residents to flee while soldiers and firefighters rushed to fill the breaches, news media said."

Source: Reuters, 08/09/2011

"Glymes Time: EPA Takes on Obscure Chemicals in Consumer Products"

"Hardly anyone has heard of them, but millions of pounds of glymes are used every year to make household products. Now time is running out for glymes -- at least when it comes to new uses in consumer products. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that it plans to clamp down on these little-known ingredients used by a broad array of industries, including manufacturers of lithium batteries, inkjet cartridges, paints, prescription drugs and microchips."

Source: EHN, 08/08/2011

"DuPont To Recall, Stop Selling Herbicide"

"DuPont said it plans to stop selling and recall its widely used Imprelis herbicide after customers and several lawsuits complained that the treatment has killed thousands of trees."

Source: Reuters, 08/05/2011
