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Phosphate Giant Cuts Deal With Enviros: Wetlands for Mining

"The world's largest phosphate miner has cut a deal with the environmental groups that sued it two years ago to block its plans to dig up thousands of acres of wetlands. In exchange for allowing mining to proceed near Fort Meade in Hardee County, Mosaic Fertilizer will buy a 4,400-acre ranch and donate it for use as a new state park."

Source: Tampa Bay Times, 02/22/2012

La. Scientists Working on Plan To Save Coastline, Fight Global Warming

"A team of Louisiana scientists is laying the groundwork for creating a new carbon storage industry that could both reduce the effects of global warming and rebuild wetlands along the state’s coastline. Sarah Mack, founder of New Orleans-based Tierra Resources, and Louisiana State University wetlands scientists John W. Day and Robert Lane have come up with a method for measuring the molecules of carbon removed from the atmosphere by the soils and plants that are created with coastal restoration projects."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 01/30/2012

"Not All Wetlands Are Created Equal"

Artificially created wetlands may not really compensate well enough for the loss of natural wetlands they replace.


"To many, it’s a familiar scenario: a strip mall suddenly pops up in what was once a desolate quagmire or boggy boondock.

Source: Green (NYT), 01/26/2012

"Farm Conservation Program 'Under the Gun'"

"The farm bill is a favorite target of budget-cutters and those looking to reduce the size of government, particularly because about 80% of it encompasses food stamps and nutritional programs. However, it also contains some of the most successful conservation programs in our nation’s history, and those are now threatened with the ax, including the popular 1985 Conservation Reserve Program."

Source: LA Times, 01/13/2012

Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Wetlands Case Today

"The U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments Monday in a case near and dear to EPA haters. It would seem to be a David-and-Goliath case that pits a middle-class American couple trying to build their dream home against the Environmental Protection Agency. But the couple, Michael and Chantell Sackett, is backed by a veritable who's who in American mining, oil, utilities, manufacturing and real estate development, as well as groups opposed to government regulation."

Source: NPR, 01/09/2012

Louisiana Won't Sign BP-Coast Guard Oil Spill Cleanup Transition Plan

"The state of Louisiana has refused to sign off on a Coast Guard-BP plan to transition from a cleanup program to a long-term recovery in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, charging that the plan leaves coastal beaches and wetlands vulnerable to continued oil contamination with no guarantee that BP will be required to pay for future cleanups."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 11/10/2011
