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"Farm Bill Extension Evidence Of Ag Sector's Lost Political Clout"

"WASHINGTON -- A patchwork extension of federal farm programs passed as part of a larger 'fiscal cliff' bill keeps the price of milk from rising but doesn't include many of the goodies that farm-state lawmakers are used to getting for their rural districts."

Source: AP, 01/04/2013

"Agriculture Leaders Reach Deal on Farm Bill Extension"

"WASHINGTON -- Top leaders on both the Senate and House Agriculture committees announced a deal on Sunday to extend the 2008 farm bill by a year, a deal that could avoid a surge in market prices for milk and other commodities."

Source: Gannett, 12/31/2012

Surrogate Debate Offers Peek Into Candidates' Stands on Farm Issues

A debate in Iowa last week between presidential candidates' surrogates feature the Romney camp alleging environmental regulations would hurt farmers, while Obama's team emphasized the help his administration had offered to suffering farmers.

"Speaking on behalf of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb.) yesterday blasted the Obama administration for environmental regulations he said were stifling farmers and ranchers.

Source: E&E Daily, 09/17/2012
