The Aldo Leopold Foundation is reporting the death May 25, 2011 of Nina Leopold Bradley, an excellent speaker, an active conservationist and scientist, and... one of Aldo Leopold's daughters. She was 93.
Some attendees of SEJ-Madison in October 2009 will remember the Sunday morning session that included Wendell Berry, Carl Leopold, Curt Meine, Mike Dombeck and Nina. Carl passed away in November 2009. Thanks to the work of several SEJ stalwarts, you can access the audio of that Sunday session here. In Nina's opening remarks, she talks about climate change, the land ethic, and journalists making a difference through their reporting. ( Contributed by SEJ member Chuck Quirmbach, co-chair of SEJ's Madison conference.)
Photo: People, Places, and Quotations of "Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time"