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Are you an SEJ member who's authored, co-authored or edited a non-fiction or fiction environmental book (published in 2010) you'd like included on this page? Movies are also welcome. Please send the following to web content manager Cindy MacDonald:
- a one-paragraph description
- name of publisher and year of publication
- ISBN number
- .gif or .jpg cover image (optional)
- Internet link to more information (optional)
Find links to members' books published in other years here.
"How To Boil a Frog"
By Jon Cooksey
"How To Boil a Frog" is a comedic documentary about the consequences of planetary overshoot, and what we can do personally to save civilization. Fools Bay Entertainment, 2010. More information.
"Saved by the Sea: A Love Story with Fish"
By David Helvarg
From visiting BP Deepwater platforms in the Gulf of Mexico to bodysurfing Central American War Zones, diving Australia's Great Barrier Reef with his tragically fated love Nancy or being bumped by a whale off Antarctica, Helvarg has lived a life often as endangered as the ocean he now works to protect. "Saved by the Sea" is the story of this long-time journalist's personal love loss and redemption in the free flowing heart of our blue marble planet. "In David Helvarg's remarkable life as a journalist and activist, his love of the sea has provided him both a cause to fight for and a cure for his ill. "Saved by the Sea" will help you understand why Helvarg continues to fight for the oceans, and why we all need to," says actor and ocean advocate Ted Danson. St. Martin's Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-312-56706-4. More information.