Journalists are eligible for free email subscriptions to SEJournal, including TipSheet, WatchDog (on access issues) and more.
AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards
The American Association for the Advancement of Science awards recognize outstanding reporting for a general audience and honor individuals (rather than institutions, publishers or employers) for their coverage of the sciences, engineering and mathematics (excluding health and clinical medicine). Winners are selected based on scientific accuracy, initiative, originality, clarity of interpretation and value in fostering a better understanding of science by the public.Entries are accepted from journalists worldwide in all categories. Entries may include stories on life, physical and social sciences; engineering and mathematics; and policy issues that are grounded in science or technology. Entries should be intended for general, nontechnical audiences. In each category, there are two awards: Gold, with a prize of $5,000, and Silver, with a prize of $3,500. Sponsored by The Kavli Foundation.
Deadline: Aug 1 annually
AAJA Journalism Excellence Awards
The Asian American Journalists Association's Journalism Excellence Awards, established in 1989, recognize and encourage excellence among journalists and outstanding coverage of Asian American and Pacific Islander issues. AAJA membership required.
Deadline: Feb 12, 2025
AAJA-Medill Innovation Award
This award recognizes journalism that approaches Asian American and Pacific Islander issues in a fresh and innovative way with a $5,000 cash prize and conference travel stipend. Must be a member of the Asian American Journalists Association or join prior to nomination.
Deadline: Jan 22, 2024
African Climate Change and Environmental Reporting Awards
The Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) offers this biennial awards competition for professional African journalists. Cash prizes in six categories.
Deadline: Aug 6, 2024
AGU Science Journalism Awards
Sponsored by the American Geophysical Union, the annual David Perlman and Walter Sullivan awards recognize excellence in Earth and space science news and features reporting, respectively, with a $5,000 prize. The Robert C. Cowen Award celebrates a career of outstanding reporting on Earth and space sciences (every other year). Nominations may be made by anyone; AGU membership is not required for nominators or nominees. Awardees also receive up to $1,000 in reimbursed costs to attend AGU's Fall Meeting.
Deadline: Mar 31, 2025 (Submit nomination here.)
The Alexia Grants
Since 1991, the Alexia Foundation annually awards photojournalism grants to students and professional photographers to produce projects that inspire change by addressing socially significant topics. Professionals receive $5,000-20,000 ($50 application fee). Students receive $1,000-2,000 plus other benefits. The student grant application is free.
Deadline: Feb 17, 2025 extended to Feb 19
The Allard Prize Photography Competition
The Allard Prize administers an annual Photography Competition that recognizes photographic excellence reflecting the ideals of the Allard Prize: courage and leadership in combating corruption, especially through promoting transparency, accountability, the rule of law and of human rights and/or anti-corruption generally. Especially welcome are entries that depict corruption and human rights violations in the developed world. Each winning entry receives a CAD $1,000 cash prize and is featured on the Allard Prize website for six months.
Deadlines: Jul 1 annually
American Journalism Project
This venture philanthropy organization is dedicated to local news, with a focus on growing and sustaining an independent local press by building business and technology capacity in local Civic News Organizations (CNOs) via Investments, Intensive Support and Movement Building. First round of grants was awarded in 2019. Proposals will be invited on an ongoing basis in 2020. Especially encouraged are inquiries from CNOs that are led by and serve traditionally underrepresented communities. What they fund.
Deadline: rolling
Amnesty International Canada Media Awards
Amnesty International Canada recognizes journalists for excellence in covering human rights stories. The awards are presented annually in memory of John Humphrey, principal author of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and are given in multiple categories, including one for post-secondary youth.
Deadline: Aug 25, 2024
The Arab Documentary Photography Program
This program will provide up to eight photographers with a $7,000 grant to work on their projects in their Arab country of residence over a period of 10 months. The grant may be used to begin a new project or to complete work on an existing project.
Deadline: Sep 12, 2024
Arthur L. Carter Reporting Award
The Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute of New York University offers annually The Reporting Award, a grant to support a significant work of journalism in any medium on an under-reported topic in the public interest. Ineligible to apply are NYU affiliates, NYU graduates with degrees dated three years prior and thereafter, and journalists holding staff positions at established media outlets that are in a position to fund such projects on their own. The institute will select one or several winners of the Reporting Award. The total award comprises $2,500 on announcement of the winning proposal and up to an additional $10,000 on completion of the project.
Deadline: Mar 18, 2024
ASJA Annual Writing Awards
The American Society of Journalists and Authors annually recognizes distinguished achievements in articles and books with a series of awards, which are presented at the annual ASJA Writers Conference. Some categories are for the public, some for ASJA members only. Cash prizes; entry fees apply.
Deadline: May 15, 2024
ASME National Magazine Awards
The National Magazine Awards honor print and digital publications that demonstrate superior execution of editorial objectives, innovative techniques, noteworthy enterprise and imaginative design. Sponsored by the American Society of Magazine Editors in association with the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Finalists in each category receive certificates of recognition. The winner in each category receives a reproduction of Alexander Calder’s stabile “Elephant,” the symbol of the awards since 1970. Entry fees apply.
Deadlines: Oct 24 and Dec 5, 2024 (depending on publication date)
AXS Film Fund
This program is for creators of color in documentary or nonfiction new media who identify as living with a disability. Up to five creators annually can receive $10,000 each to assist them in finishing their projects in any stage of production.
Deadline: Jul 31, 2024
Banff Mountain Book Competition
As a key program of the Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival, the Book Competition is an internationally recognized literary competition that celebrates mountain literature in all its forms. Over $29,000CAD is awarded annually with eight awards selected by an international jury of writers, adventurers and editors.
Deadline: Jul 2, 2024
Banff Mountain Film Competition
Submit your film to the annual Banff Mountain Film Festival which provides you the opportunity to meet other filmmakers to exchange ideas and collaborate, and a chance to have your film included in the Festival's World Tour. $35,000CAD in cash and prizes.
Deadline: Aug 1, 2024
Banff Mountain Photo Essay Competition
This competition showcases the best in mountain-themed photo essays, recognizing the best stories told through a series of still images. Stories should illustrate mountain culture, adventure, wildlife, sport, environment or natural history. $3,000CAD grand prize.
Deadline: May 5, 2025
BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition
This annual competition encourages photographers from around the world to contribute their work that both celebrates and illustrates the rich diversity of life on Earth and inspires action to protect and conserve it through the power of imagery. $5,000 grand prize; $1,000 first-place prizes in seven categories. Entry fees apply.
Deadline: Jan 15 (earlybird) Mar 1, 2025 (final)
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival
The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival premiers non-fiction film in the American West. Screenings take place annually in February in Missoula, Montana (and online globally). The competitive event is open to non-fiction films and videos of all forms, lengths, subject matters and genres. World and U.S. premiers, classics, rare and experimental works will be shown during the festival. Awards and cash prizes will be given in multiple categories. There are reduced entry fees for entries received by the early and regular deadlines.
Deadlines: Jun 30 (early); Aug 31 (regular); Oct 13, 2024 (final)
Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication
The BBVA Foundation of Spain's award recognizes the work of professionals in any country that have contributed exceptionally to improving public understanding and awareness of ecological issues. Open to contributions in any aspect of environmental communication, especially in the areas of biodiversity conservation and climate change, characterized by a particularly innovative approach. Cash prize of 100,000 euros.
Deadline: Jun 10, 2024
Brechner Freedom of Information Award
The Brechner Freedom of Information Project at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications annually recognizes excellence in reporting that centers on the public’s right to know and draws on government documents and data that uncover official secrecy. It's free to enter. $3,000 prize.
Deadline: Jan 10, 2025
Brown Institute Magic Grants
The David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia Journalism School and the School of Engineering at Stanford annually provide year-long funding awards of up to $150,000 ($300,000 for teams with members of both the Columbia and Stanford communities). Plus, access to an advisory and mentoring group, and an alumni network.
Deadline: Mar 29, 2024
Burtynsky Photo Grant
Renowned Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky and CONTACT established the Burtynsky Grant — a $5,000 annual grant to support a Canadian artist in the creation of a photobook. It is for photo-based artists and photographers who are at the advanced stages of developing a cohesive, rigorous body of work presented in book form.
Deadline: Sep 16, 2024
Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program
The Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States, The Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program, was created in February 1990 by an executive agreement between Canada and the United States. Since that time, hundreds of scholars have participated in the Program's reciprocal educational exchanges to lecture, research or study. The Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program oversees Canada's relationship with the worldwide Fulbright Program. Numerous awards are available for Canadian and American citizens. Deadlines for American applicants vary by program. Visit website for full details.
Deadline: Nov 15 annually for Canadian applicants
Canada's National Eco-Journalism Competition for Youth
This competition is part of Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) — an international program by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). YRE is a global network of youth, ages 11-18, writing about, videoing and taking photos of environmental problems and solutions in their communities. In Canada, the national coordinator is EcoSchools Canada. Members' articles and photos are eligible for the annual international award. National coordinators set the award deadline for their country, and submit their national selection of articles and photos to the YRE International Coordination. Winners will be featured on the YRE website, and announced nationally through, the EcoSchools newsletter, and Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram channels.
Deadline: Mar 28, 2025 (Canada)
Canadian Association of Journalists Annual Awards
CAJ recognizes outstanding Canadian reporting — with a particular focus on investigative work. Cash prizes are offered in several categories, including Photojournalism, Environmental and Climate Change, Emerging Indigenous Journalist, Student, Data Journalism, Freedom of Information Journalism and more. Entries are welcome from any practising journalist whose work has been published or broadcast in Canada.
Deadline: Jan 14, 2025
Canadian Journalism Foundation Awards
CJF supports and rewards excellence in Canadian journalism through its annual awards program and by supporting recognition programs run by other organizations. The 2025 awards include the $10,000 Award for Climate Solutions Reporting, $5,000 Edward Burtynsky Award for Climate Photojournalism and the Tom Hanson Photojournalism Award, a six-week paid internship at The Canadian Press head office in Toronto, for a photojournalist in the early stages of their career; and more.
Deadline: Jan 24, 2025
CENTER Photo/Art Awards and Grants
CENTER annually recognizes outstanding photographers worldwide working in all processes and subject matter with awards and grants for project funding, exhibition in Santa Fe and professional development via the premier juried portfolio review event, the Review Santa Fe Photo Festival. Multiple categories, including the Blue Earth Fiscal Sponsorship.
Deadline: Jan 28, 2024 (earlybird); Feb 25, 2024 (final)
CJFE Journalism Awards
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) offers the following annual awards: 1) the International Press Freedom Award recognizes the courage and determination with which journalists overcome regularly-faced obstacles in order to get the news out; 2) the Arnold Amber Award for Investigative Journalism celebrates a journalist, investigative researcher or media worker who has made a significant contribution to advancing investigative public interest reporting in Canada; and 3) the Tara Singh Hayer Memorial Award (named for the Canadian journalist and editor of the Vancouver-based Indo-Canadian Times who was assassinated in November 1998) is given to a Canadian journalist who, through his or her work, has made an important contribution to reinforcing and promoting the principle of freedom of the press in Canada or elsewhere. Cash prizes.
Deadline: May 30 annually
Collier Award for Ethics in Journalism
This no-fee award, new in 2024, recognizes exemplary journalism of the highest standards that is reported and published in the face of ethical challenges. Three categories — student, local and national significance — will present individual cash awards of up to $15,000. The Ethics and Journalism Initiative is a project of the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University.
Deadline: Dec 9, 2024
Collier Prize for State Government Accountability
The Collier Prize at the University of Florida recognizes coverage of state-level government in every state, focusing on investigative and political reporting, in any medium or on any platform. It's open to any news organization. The 2025 prize will consist of one $25,000 winner, one $5,000 winner, and one $2,500 winner. Prize money is paid to the news organization that published the winning/nominated entries.
Deadline: Jan 31, 2025 extended to Feb 6
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
The Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year wins a one-week safari for two in Kenya with Alex Walker's Serian, a unique handmade trophy, plus Think Tank gear and more. The free competition, which supports conservation efforts via a selected charity, has nine categories, including one for video, one for under 16 and one for under 25 years old.
Deadline: Jul 31, 2024
Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards
The annual Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards, presented with the Columbia Journalism Review, will recognize exemplary climate solutions reporting, effective public engagement and climate inequities coverage. Open to journalists worldwide, on any beat. There is no entry fee, and news outlets are not required to be CCNow partners to participate.
Deadline: Mar 1, 2024
The Curve Award for Emerging Journalists
The Curve Foundation's grant program provides financial support ($5,000 cash plus stipend) and more to emerging journalists who identify as lesbians, queer women, trans women and/or nonbinary people and are based in the United States.
Deadline: Apr 30, 2024
Dart Awards for Excellence in Coverage of Trauma
The Dart Awards recognize exemplary journalism on the impact of violence, crime, disaster and other traumatic events on individuals, families or communities, focusing on the experience of victims and survivors, and contributing to public understanding of trauma-related issues. Open to North American newspaper, magazine, online, radio, television, video and multimedia journalism that goes beyond the ordinary in reporting on trauma. Two awards of $5,000 will be awarded to winning reporting teams for division among those who contributed to the winning entry.
Deadline: Jan 28, 2025
duPont-Columbia Awards
The duPont-Columbia Awards have recognized excellence in multiple categories of broadcast journalism since their inception in 1942. Created by Jessie Ball duPont as a tribute to the journalistic integrity and public-mindedness of her husband, Alfred I. duPont, these awards are now regarded as the most prestigious prizes in television and radio news, the broadcast equivalent of the Pulitzer Prizes, which are also administered at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Programs must have aired for the first time in the United States.
Deadline: July 1, 2024
EJN Story Grants To Strengthen Coverage of Environmental Crimes and Sustainable Solutions in the Amazon
Internews' Earth Journalism Network is offering story grants of USD $1,500 - 2,000 to journalists to produce stories on transnational conservation crimes in the Amazon Region and the threats faced by Indigenous peoples and local communities in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Deadline: Jan 9, 2025
Environmental Photographer of the Year
The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management in partnership with WaterBear showcases the very best in environmental photography highlighting impacts on the Earth by humans. Environmental Photographer of the Year 2023 receives a £5,000 cash prize; Young EPOTY (21 and under) receives brand new camera equipment; and more.
Deadline: Aug 30, 2023 (The EPOTY competition did not run in 2024, but will return in 2025.)
The EPPY Awards
Editor & Publisher Magazine's annual awards program is open to all media and media-affiliated websites. Many categories are available under three divisions: Over 1 million homepage views, Under 1 million homepage views and the College/University division. Entry fees apply.
Deadline: Sep 13, 2024
ERC Collaborative Reporting Grants
The Environmental Reporting Collective offers Collaborative Investigation Grants to media outlets, journalists and freelancers from two different countries or regions. Grants generally range from $1,000 to $3,000 USD.
Deadline: Aug 15, 2023
Eric and Wendy Schmidt Awards for Excellence in Science Communications
In 2025, this National Academies and Schmidt Futures award offers $640,000 in prizes to science journalists, communicators and research scientists whose work will help society meet the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change, future pandemics and other issues that can only be understood and navigated with the help of effective science communication. Includes training and professional development opportunities via partnerships with journalistic institutions.
Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Esserman-Knight Journalism Awards
These annual awards celebrate and encourage outstanding investigative and public service reporting in South Florida and to foster a community that cares deeply about local news. Entries should serve the public by holding the powerful to account, shining a light on a pervasive or underreported community problem, or breaking new ground on an issue. $10,000 first prize, $5,000 second prize, and honorable mentions at $1,000. Nominate a journalist or team of journalists.
Deadline: Feb 12, 2024
European Press Prize
Journalists from all 46 countries of the Council of Europe, Belarus and Russia can submit their best work produced in the past year, for the opportunity to become Prize Laureates and be awarded 10,000 euro prizes.
Deadline: Dec 14, 2024
Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award for Young Science Journalists
This Award is intended to encourage young science writers by recognizing outstanding reporting and writing in any field of science. The award is limited to non-technical, print and online journalism only. The winner will receive $1,000 and expenses to attend the annual ScienceWriters meeting. Science writing includes, but is not limited to, writing in the biological, physical, environmental, computer and space sciences, along with technology, mathematics, health and science policy. Applicants must be age 30 or younger.
Deadline: Jun 30 annually
The Everyday Projects Grant
The Everyday Projects provides support to photojournalists from diverse backgrounds as they develop their craft, awarding two $6,000 grants (plus mentorship) to photographers to work on a long-term project. Preference will be given to photographers who have contributed to The Everyday Projects or are members of the African Photojournalism Database.
Deadine: May 8, 2023
Eyewitness Photojournalism Grant
Diversify Photo and the Pulitzer Center annually invite applications from photojournalists worldwide for stories on systemic and underreported issues in our communities, including but not limited to racial justice, climate change, environmental justice, gender equality and human rights.
Deadline: rolling
Fetisov Journalism Awards
This global competition, founded by Russian philanthropist Gleb Fetisov in 2019, awards cash prizes to outstanding professional journalists who change the world for the better with their groundbreaking stories. Three winners in each of four categories (including investigative reporting and environmental journalism) share a cash prize of CHF 130,000 (Swiss Francs). Free to enter.
Deadline: Sep 15, 2024
Flashlight Investigative Journalism Grants
Flashlight, a nonprofit network of giving circles, gives $500-$1,000 grants to investigative journalists, who retain complete editorial control and are free to publish their work wherever they like. Round one funded an enterprising environmental reporter. Round two was for freelance journalists covering election integrity. Round three is for African American freelance investigative journalists. Rounds four and five were for all freelance investigative journalists. Round six is for U.S.-based freelance investigative journalists; apply here.
Deadline: Nov 19, 2023. (July 2024: grants are currently paused)
Free Press Awards
Free Press Unlimited, a nonprofit organization based in the Netherlands, will honor journalists and media professionals who have a strong commitment with press freedom and independent information, and who continue no matter what. Newcomer of the Year receives a media scholarship and Most Resilient Journalist receives a cash prize.
Deadline: Aug 12, 2024
Freelance Investigative Reporters and Editors (FIRE) Services and Grants
Freelance Investigative Reporters and Editors (FIRE) helps independent journalists by providing two services: a complimentary Editorial Consultancy and a Virtual Newsroom. Services and grants of up to $12,500 are provided to assist freelance reporters working on investigative stories. FIRE also accepts applications for customized contract-related legal assistance from two veteran media attorneys.
Deadline: rolling deadline
Fulbright Scholar Program
The Fulbright Scholar Program awards grants to professional journalists and academics (among others) to lecture, conduct research or do both in countries across the globe. Eligible fields in the Traditional Program include, but are not limited to, journalism, communication, environmental science, peace and conflict resolution, public/global health and urban planning. Grants range from two months to an academic year or longer in the Traditional Scholar Program. If you don't see an award that suits your background or needs, there's a "create your own award" option that allows you to propose your own lecturing or research projects and institutional affiliations.
Deadline: Sep 16, 2024 for Traditional
Fund for Investigative Journalism
The Fund for Investigative Journalism awards grants, up to $10,000, three or four times per year to freelance or independent journalists who need support for travel and other reporting expenses. Proposals should break new ground and expose wrongdoing in the public and private sectors. The Fund accepts applications for projects on domestic and international issues. Applications from ethnic media are strongly encouraged. Several types of grants are available: Regular ($10,000 max with deadlines three or four times a year); Seed funding: Small grants, up to $2,500, for preliminary reporting that can lead to full investigations; Follow-up grants up to $2,500; Regular grants for those who have previously received Seed funding, up to $10,000 (rolling); and Diversity Fellowship.
Deadline: Apr 28, 2025 (regular grants); May 9, 2025 (seed grants)
George Polk Awards
Long Island University annually seeks nominations for the George Polk Awards. Winners are chosen from newspapers, magazines, television, radio and online news organizations. Judges place a premium on investigative and enterprise work that is original, requires digging and resourcefulness, and brings results. Nominees are proposed and selected by a national panel of advisors. The panel also considers entries that originate from publication offices, newsrooms or individual reporters. Categories vary from year to year, but it has been customary to give awards in foreign, national and local reporting (in print and broadcasting), business and environmental reporting and photojournalism. Electronic journalism, documentary films and books based on investigative reporting or dealing specifically with the field of journalism also may be considered. While the journalists or media outlet do not have to be American, all entries must be in English (no translations). $75 entry fee. Cash prizes.
Deadline: Jan 9, 2025
GLF Africa Photography Awards
Global Landscapes Forum invites photographers (professional or amateur) to submit their best shots of tropical forests, grasslands, drylands, peatlands, wetlands, the ocean and coasts, and African livelihoods. Cash prizes.
Deadline: Jul 29, 2024
Global Shining Light Award
This biennial award honors investigative journalism in a developing or transitioning country, done under threat, duress or in the direst of conditions. US$2,500 prize and a trip to the 2025 Global Investigative Journalism Conference, Nov 20-24, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Deadline: Feb 28, 2025
Global Youth & News Media Prize
The Global Youth & News Media Prize, founded in 2018, is a biennial worldwide award that honors organizations that innovate as they strengthen engagement between news media and young people while reinforcing the role of journalism in society.
Deadline: Jul 1, 2023
Golden Turtle Photography Contest
MY EQUATOR Charity Social Support Fund's annual wildlife photo contest is open to photographers worldwide. Cash prizes in each adult category and for photographer of the year. Winners in the young categories (13-17 years and 12 & under) receive a glass trophy, a diploma and more. The official competition languages are Russian and English.
Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting
The Goldsmith Awards Program honors investigative reporting that promotes more effective and ethical conduct of government, the making of public policy or the practice of politics, and explanatory reporting that focuses on the functioning of government and the implementation of public policy. Cash prizes. Open to U.S. news media only.
Deadline: Jan 10, 2025
Grady-Stack Award for Interpreting Chemistry for the Public
This American Chemical Society award is given for outstanding reporting which increases the public's knowledge and understanding of chemistry, chemical engineering and related fields. Winner receives $5,000 and up to $2,500 for travel expenses to the meeting at which the award will be presented.
Deadline: Nov 1 annually
GRID-Arendal Investigative Environmental Journalism Grants
GRID-Arendal (a UNEP partner) is offering six grants of NOK 20,000 (~US$1800) in 2024 for experienced environmental investigative journalists, staff or freelance, working globally on the issues of organized environmental crime in developing countries.
Deadline: Dec 4, 2023
Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism
Awarded by the New York Public Library to the author(s) of outstanding, full-length books resulting from print, broadcast, or electronic journalism that impacts public consciousness and policy around an important current issue. Winner receives a $15,000 prize. Book must be scheduled for original publication between January 1 and December 31. Books may be nominated by publishers, agents, or journalists and must be accompanied by the nomination form available online. Books may not be nominated by their authors.
Deadline: Sep 1, 2024
Hillman Prizes Canada
The Sidney Hillman Foundation awards the Canadian Hillman Prize honoring Canadian journalists whose work makes a difference to the lives of Canadians. Categories include print/digital, broadcast (tv, radio, podcast) and local/community news. The content must have been published in Canada and been widely accessible to a Canadian audience. Winners receive an honorarium. No entry fee.
Deadline: Jan 15, 2025
Hillman Prizes in Journalism
Since 1950, the Sidney Hillman Foundation awards the annual Hillman prizes, honoring journalists who pursue investigative reporting and deep storytelling in service of the common good. Recipients exemplify reportorial excellence, storytelling skill, and social justice impact. Open to journalists and subjects globally, although work must have been intended for and be widely accessible to a U.S. audience. Each winner receives a $5,000 honorarium and a certificate at the annual ceremony to be held in New York City on Tuesday, May 6, 2025. The Hillman Foundation also awards the The Sidney, a $500 honorarium given monthly for an outstanding piece of investigative journalism that fosters social and economic justice.
Deadline: Jan 30, 2025
ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award
This annual International Center for Journalists award recognizes excellent reporting that makes a difference in the lives of people around the world. Recipients are reporters, editors or others who, despite difficult circumstances, produce pioneering news reports or innovations that make a significant impact in their countries. Submit a nomination for the 2025 ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award.
Deadline: Feb 6, 2025 extended to Feb 13
IJ4EU Fund for Cross-Border Investigative Journalism Grants
Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) funds newsrooms and individual journalists for cross-border investigative journalism projects in the European Union: Investigation Support Scheme (up to €50,000) and Freelancer Support Scheme (up to €20,000).
Deadline: Mar 10, 2025 (This is the third and final call of the current edition of the IJ4EU programme, which spans two years ending in November 2025.)
IJNR Field Reporting Grants
The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources annually offers grants to help defray the costs of reporting projects that focus on natural resources, the environment, energy, development, agriculture, environmental justice and public health. Projects must be based in or related to North America.
Deadline: Feb 28, 2025
Indigenous Community Media Fund
Cultural Survival's funding of US$8,000-$12,000 provides opportunities for Indigenous community radio stations and media outlets to strengthen their broadcast infrastructure and systems while providing training opportunities to their community journalists. In 2025,they especially seek to support activities related to environmental justice in the face of climate change, including prevention, mitigation and response to natural disasters. Information available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Deadline: Jan 26, 2025
Indigenous Media Awards (formerly the National Native Media Awards)
The Indigenous Journalists Association (formerly the Native American Journalists Association) annually recognizes outstanding coverage of Turtle Island by Indigenous and non-Indigenous journalists across the U.S. and Canada. Includes a Student Division.
Deadline: Mar 7, 2025
International Documentary Film Festival Flahertiana
The 2024 festival is scheduled for Sep 20-27 in Perm, Russia. Documentary filmmakers worldwide may submit new full- or short-length films directed in 2023 or 2024. The festival is named for documentarian Robert Flaherty and submissions must reflect his style and his film "Nanook of the North." If your film is not in English, English subtitles must be included. Cash prizes in rubles, dollars or euros (as winners decide).
Deadline: May 20, 2024 (2024 info)
IRE Awards
The annual contest of Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc. recognizes the best investigative reporting in numerous categories by print, broadcast and online media. Work must have been published or aired in the previous calendar year. Membership in IRE is required.
Deadline: Jan 17, 2025
IWMF Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award
This International Women's Media Foundation award honors Pulitzer Prize-winning AP photographer Anja Niedringhaus, who was killed on assignment in Afghanistan in 2014. It celebrates women, non-binary and gender nonconforming photojournalists of any nationality whose work inspires us to take action and better understand the world. The winner will be publicly honored, have their work showcased and receive a cash prize of $20,000. Candidates must be working as a journalist full-time, and journalism must be their primary profession. Apply yourself or submit a nomination.
Deadline: Mar 14, 2025
IWMF Courage in Journalism Awards
The International Women's Media Foundation celebrates the achievements of women journalists worldwide, who put themselves at risk to give us a window into critical global issues. Facing and surviving danger to uncover the truth, they raise the bar for reporting under duress. Open to full-time staff or freelance women or non-binary reporters, writers, editors, photographers or producers working in any country and of any nationality. No self-nominations.
Deadline: Mar 30, 2025
IWMF Gwen Ifill Award
This International Women's Media Foundation award honors legendary PBS NewsHour co-anchor, who passed away in November 2016. It is given annually to an outstanding woman or non-binary journalist of color in the U.S. with a track record of mentorship, leadership and a commitment to diversity in journalism. Apply yourself or submit a nomination.
Deadline: Feb 23, 2025
IWMF Howard G. Buffett Fund for Women Journalists
This funding initiative enables the International Women’s Media Foundation to dramatically expand its support of women journalists reporting on issues of global importance that are typically under-reported. Funding rounds open for applications in January and June of each year.
Deadlines: rolling basis
IWMF Kari Howard Fund for Narrative Journalism
The International Women's Media Foundation administers this fund in memory of "storytelling editor" Kari Howard, awarding annual grants supporting compelling human stories globally.
Deadline: Jul 14, 2024
IWMF Kim Wall Memorial Fund
The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) awards $5,000 reporting grants annually to women and nonbinary journalists who carries forward Swedish journalist Kim Wall's legacy of covering important, underreported stories on subcultures and "the undercurrent of rebellion" from around the world.
Deadline: Dec 8, 2024
J. Anthony Lukas Prize Project Awards
These Awards recognize excellence in nonfiction that exemplifies the literary grace and commitment to serious research and social concern that characterized the work of the awards' Pulitzer Prize-winning namesake, J. Anthony Lukas. Four awards are given: J. Anthony Lukas Work-In-Progress Awards (two @ $25,000), J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize ($10,000), Mark Lynton History Prize ($10,000) and Lynton Scholarship Program (two @ $5,000).
Deadline: Dec 5, 2024
John B. Oakes Award for Distinguished Environmental Journalism
Award is given annually for print, radio, broadcast and digital reporting that makes an exceptional contribution to public understanding of environmental issues. Entries must be initially published in the United States. Winner receives a $5,000 prize. Two finalists receive $1500 each.
Deadline: Apr 22, 2025
John Chancellor Award for Excellence in Journalism
This $25,000 award is presented annually to a reporter with courage and integrity for cumulative professional accomplishments. The prize honors the legacy of pioneering television correspondent and longtime NBC News anchor John Chancellor. To be entered for consideration, journalists must be nominated.
Deadline: May 3, 2024
John M. Collier Award for Forest History Journalism
Sponsored by the Forest History Society, the Award is given annually to a journalist whose work incorporates forest or conservation history in an article or series of articles published in North America that relate to environmental issues. Authors, editors, and the general public may submit any article that fits the award criteria. The award is open to any newspaper or general circulation magazine; professional or freelance journalist in North America; print or online. $1,000 prize plus either a visit to the Forest History Society Library and Archives or presentation of the award plaque at a mutually agreed upon meeting or convention.
Deadline: Apr 15, 2024 extended to May 15's Journalism Grants
This website offers an overview of organizations, institutions and funds that award research grants for investigative journalism including written, photo and documentaries, for minorities, young journalists and more.
Deadline: various
Kozik Environmental Justice Reporting Grants
Jointly sponsored by the National Press Foundation and the National Press Club Journalism Institute, grants ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 will be awarded to U.S.-based journalists reporting on environmental justice and environmental racism in the United States. This could include coverage of the disproportionate harms to disadvantaged communities from pollution, the effects of climate change or other relevant topics.
Deadline: Apr 24, 2024
Kurt Schork Awards in International Journalism
This competition, underwritten by the Kurt Schork Memorial Fund and Reuters, annually awards three $5,000USD prizes, to recognize excellence in courageous reporting of conflict, corruption, human rights transgressions and injustice: to a local reporter in a developing country or nation in transition, to a freelance journalist covering international news and a news fixer (rewarding local journalists and/or experts, hired by a visiting foreign reporter or news organization, whose guidance and local knowledge materially benefited the content, impact and reach of the stories submitted). The awards honor Kurt Schork, an American freelance journalist who was killed in a military ambush while on assignment for Reuters on May 24, 2000, in Sierra Leone.
Deadline: May 31, 2024
Leonard C. Goodman Institute for Investigative Reporting Story Proposals
In These Times' Leonard C. Goodman Institute for Investigative Reporting invites journalists to submit story proposals for consideration for funding by the Institute and subsequent publication in In These Times — a national, independent progressive magazine. The Institute provides financial and editorial support to journalists undertaking major investigative reporting projects that align with In These Times' mission of advancing democracy and economic justice, informing movements for a more humane world and providing an accessible forum for debate about the policies that shape our future.
Deadline: Apr 10, 2023
The Livingston Awards for Young Journalists
The Livingston Awards for excellence by professionals under the age of 35 are the largest all-media, general reporting prizes in American journalism. They are also unusual in judging print, online, video, audio and data visualization entries against one another, a practice of increasing interest as technology blurs traditional distinctions between rival branches of the profession. Three $10,000 prizes are awarded for local, national and international reporting.
Deadline: Feb 1, 2025
Lorenzo Natali Media Prize
Since 1992, the European Commission's Natali Prize recognizes excellence in reporting on sustainable development issues, inequality, human rights, poverty eradication, environment, biodiversity, climate action and more. The winner in each of four categories will receive €10,000. The winner of the Best Emerging Journalist Prize category will also be offered a work experience with a media partner. Open to entries published in print or online, or broadcasted (radio or television).
Deadline: Jun 30, 2024
Maria Moors Cabot Prizes
This awards competition, founded in 1938, is for journalists who, in their work and throughout their careers, have contributed to promoting greater inter-American understanding in the Americas. $5,000 honorarium.
Deadline: Mar 17, 2025
Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award
New York University's Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute offers a grant of $12,500 to support the work of a promising early-career nonfiction writer on a story that uncovers truths about the human condition, especially for a project that otherwise would not come to fruition.
Deadline: Feb 19, 2025
Messengers of Biodiversity Reporting Grant
The Sitka Foundation, in partnership with the Science Media Centre of Canada, invites applications from journalists worldwide for one of 10 grants to support reporting and writing or broadcast stories about biodiversity issues in British Columbia. The funding can be used for research, travel and related expenses. There are two streams: research time only (CAD $10,000) and for research plus travel costs (CAD $15,000).
Deadline: Nov 1, 2023
Michael Elliott Award for Excellence in African Storytelling
This annual award honors up-and-coming journalists in Africa who strive to strengthen people's voices and illuminate the transformational change taking place on the continent. Winners receive a $5,000 cash prize, personalized award certificate and the opportunity to participate in a two-week professional development program at The Economist headquarters in London.
Deadline: Jan 12, 2025
Mirror Awards
The Mirror Awards recognize the best reporting, analysis and commentary covering the media industry and its role in our economy, culture and democracy. Established by Syracuse University's S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, the awards honor the reporters, editors and teams of writers who hold a mirror to their own industry for the public's benefit. Cash prizes.
Deadline: Feb 15, 2024
NABJ's Salute to Excellence National Media Awards
In 2003, an environment category (including medical or health stories) was added to the National Association of Black Journalists' Salute to Excellence Award Program. This was created as part of the diversity grant project collaboration between SEJ and minority J-groups. NABJ recognizes journalism that best covers the Black experience or addresses issues affecting the worldwide Black community. Open to all media organizations and individuals involved in print, broadcast (TV, radio and podcasting) and all forms of digital journalism, as well as communications and collegiate media. Work must have been published in the previous calendar year.
Deadline: Feb 15, 2025
NAHJ Ñ Awards
The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) annually honors outstanding contributions to an informed society and exemplary news coverage highlighting issues affecting Hispanic, Latino and Latinx communities. In 2024, six awards will be presented within the Print/Digital, Television, Photography and Radio categories, as well as two top tier awards, plus the NAHJ/University of Florida Award in Investigative Journalism. (The latter recognizes the top multimedia investigative stories that, in part, shed light on wrongdoing, injustice, corruption and abuse of power affecting Latino and other under-represented communities of color as a result of policies, individuals and/or corporations. Two $5,000 prizes will be awarded, one for small/medium newsrooms (under 250 employees) and one for large newsrooms (250 employees or more).) NAHJ membership required.
Deadline: Mar 29, 2024 extended to Apr 5
NASW Excellence in Institutional Writing Awards
The National Association of Science Writers annually awards cash prizes for high-caliber, publicly accessible science writing produced on behalf of an institution or other non-media organization. Open to all and free for NASW members.
Deadline: Feb 1, 2024
NASW Peggy Girshman Idea Grants
The National Association of Science Writers annually awards individuals or groups grants ranging from $1,000 to $25,000 to support projects and programs that will help science writers in their professional lives or benefit the field of science writing. NASW membership not required.
Deadline: Feb 12, 2024
NASW Science in Society Journalism Awards
The National Association of Science Writers especially seeks to recognize science writing that is shaped by a variety of perspectives, because such writing enables the telling of more broadly relevant stories that better serve audiences and communities. Work must have been published or broadcast between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31. NASW will award separate cash prizes of $2,000 for writing judged best in each of six categories: books, commentary, science reporting, science features, longform narratives and series.
Deadline: Feb 1, 2024
NASW SciWri24 Community Support Grant
The National Association of Science Writers offers grants, up to $1,200 each, to increase bandwidth, offset travel costs, purchase a headset or other equipment and/or assist with caregiving costs to attend (in person or virtually) ScienceWriters2024, taking place this year Nov 8-11 in Raleigh, N.C.
Deadline: Sep 10, 2024
National Endowment for Democracy Grants for Independent Media
The NED annually makes more than 2,000 grants to support the projects of nongovernmental groups abroad who are working to advance democratic goals and strengthen democratic institutions in more than 100 countries, including those that "Support freedom of information and independent media."
Deadlines: Sep 3, 2024, January 28 and May 20, 2025
National Geographic Grants Program
The National Geographic Society offers funding opportunities for projects in conservation, education, research, storytelling or technology in one or more of their focus areas (Ocean, Land, Wildlife, Human Histories and Cultures, Planetary Health and Space).
Deadline: Apr 22, 2025 (Freshwater Storytelling Request for Proposals)
National Press Foundation Awards
The National Press Foundation presents several awards to journalists and helps administer journalism awards presented by other organizations. NPF awards accomplishments in broadcasting, print and online journalism, as well as editorial cartoons. The awards have different criteria. Cash prizes.
Deadlines: Sep 30, 2024
National Wildlife Federation's Photo Contest
NWF's contest celebrates the power of photography to advance conservation and connect both photographers and viewers with wildlife and the outdoors. Open to amateur and professional photographers. Cash prizes in multiple categories including one for youth aged 13-17.
Deadline: Mar 23, 2025
Neal Peirce Foundation Journalism Travel Grants
The Neal Peirce Foundation annually offers travel grants of up to $1,500. Grants are intended to support journalists in covering undertold stories about ways to make cities and their metro regions work better for all their people. Grants will cover travel expenses necessary for on-the-ground reporting. Full-time freelancers as well as journalists currently employed by a news organization are eligible to apply. The grants are for journalists to travel to cities within the U.S. to produce one or more stories for publication.
Deadline: Oct 7, 2024
New America Award
The Society of Professional Journalists' New America Award honors public service journalism that explores and exposes issues of importance to immigrant or ethnic communities in the United States. Although not required, collaboration with ethnic media is taken into account. A single winner will be chosen in categories Audio, TV and Print/Online. In the latter category, Cicero Independiente and MuckRock won in 2024 for “The Air We Breathe,” an investigation into air pollution in Cicero, Illinois.
Deadline: Mar 11, 2025
New England First Amendment Awards
The New England First Amendment Coalition annually honors individuals who have promoted and defended the First Amendment throughout New England. During the ceremony, the coalition presents the Stephen Hamblett First Amendment Award, the Michael Donoghue Freedom of Information Award and the Antonia Orfield Citizenship Award.
Deadline: May 15, 2024
New Media Writing Prize
The Media School at Bournemouth University awards cash prizes in multiple categories for storytelling (fiction or non-fiction) written specifically for delivery and reading/viewing on a PC or Mac, the web, or a hand-held device such as an iPad or mobile phone.
Deadlines: Feb 1, 2025
NPPF Alan Hagman Photojournalism Grant
The National Press Photographers Foundation annually offers the $6,000 Alan Hagman grant to facilitate projects ranging from human rights to environmental issues. A creative approach to important stories that might otherwise go untold is highly valued.
Deadline: Nov 7, 2024
One World Media Awards
Established in 1988, these Awards honor the best media coverage of the global south — stories that break through stereotypes, change the narrative and connect people across cultures. The Awards highlight the unique role of journalists and filmmakers in bridging the divide between cultures worldwide and raising awareness of underreported issues and stories. Multiple categories, including Environmental Reporting and Press Freedom. Entry fees apply.
Deadline: Feb 6, 2025 extended to Feb 14
Online News Association's Online Journalism Awards
This annual awards competition honors excellence in digital journalism around the world. In 2024, there are 23 categories including social media engagement, breaking news, science reporting and visual storytelling. Some awards come with prize money.
Deadline: May 9, 2024
Osborn Elliott Prize for Excellence in Journalism on Asia
The annual "Oz Prize" honors the late Osborn Elliott, a legendary journalist and longtime Newsweek editor. The $10,000 prize is awarded to a reporter or team of reporters who has produced the best example of journalism about Asia during the calendar year. Evaluation criteria include impact of the work, its originality, creativity, depth of research and educational value in informing the public about Asia.
Deadline: Mar 17, 2025
Outdoor Writers Association of America Writing Contests and Awards
The OWAA recognizes its members of all ages through annual contests and awards. The Excellence in Craft Contest offers cash prizes in multiple categories for various media and subject matter. The Norm Strung Youth Writing Contest and the OWAA Student Photo Contest each offer cash prizes and a yearlong OWAA Student Membership, split over two age groups — high school (grades 11-12) and college.
Deadline: Jan 15 (earlybird); Jan 31, 2025 (final)
Overseas Press Club of America Awards
Honors several classes of foreign affairs reporting with certificates and $1,000 awards. Submit entries for international coverage in Newspapers, News Services, Newsletters, Digital, Magazines, Radio, Podcasts, Television, Video, Cartoons, Books and Photography. Work must have been published or broadcast in the U.S. or by a U.S.-based company or be accessible to an American audience during the previous calendar year with reporting primarily outside the US. $200 entry fee applies.
Deadline: Cornelius Ryan Book Award - Jan 8, 2025; General - Jan 31, 2025
PEN/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award
Since 2011, the PEN/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award annually celebrates writing that exemplifies literary excellence on the subject of physical and biological sciences. The winner receives a cash award of $10,000 and is honored at the PEN Literary Awards.
Deadline: Aug 1, 2024
Planet Forward Storyfest Awards
These awards recognize and reward the best and most compelling student-told stories illuminating environmental issues and solutions. 2025 grand-prize winners will travel to the Galápagos with Lindblad Expeditions to see and report on the environment.
Deadline: Feb 10, 2025
ProPublica's Local Reporting Network Grants
The Local Reporting Network pays the salary and a stipend for benefits for reporters at news organizations across the country so they can spend a year working on an accountability journalism project of importance to their communities. The project should expose something that is broken or isn’t working as it should and clearly explain why (as opposed to explanatory or feature pieces).
Deadlines: Nov 1, 2023
Pulitzer Center Reporting Grants
The Center provides multiple types of grants, for global or local (U.S.) reporting, including Connected Coastlines, Data Journalism, Deep Dives: Ocean and Fisheries Reporting, Rainforest Journalism, Your Work/Environment and more. Staff journalists as well as freelancers of any nationality are eligible to apply.
Deadline: rolling
Pulitzer Prize Competition
The Pulitzer Prizes, established in 1917, are awarded annually in journalism, books and other categories. The Prizes accept journalism work published in eligible U.S. news outlets. $15,000 prizes in most categories.
Deadline: Books - July 15, 2024 if published in the first half of 2024; final deadline for all eligible books published in 2024, including those slated for publication in the final quarter of the year, is October 15, 2024. Journalism - Jan 27, 2025; opens for the 2025 cycle in December 2024.
Reed Environmental Writing Award
The Southern Environmental Law Center's annual award seeks to enhance public awareness of the richness and vulnerability of the South's natural heritage by giving special recognition to writers who most effectively tell the stories about the region's environment. There are two categories for entries: Journalism, for newspaper, magazine or online articles published by a recognized institution such as a newspaper, university or nonprofit organization, and Book, for works of non-fiction (not self-published). Entries must relate to the natural resources in at least one of the following states: AL, GA, NC, SC, TN, or VA. Prizes of $2,500 are awarded to the winner in each category.
Deadline: Oct 1, 2024
Rest of World Photography Contest
Rest of World's inaugural contest invites submissions of a single image made within the last two years showing how technology impacts you and your community. Open to photographers of any skill level, living and working in any part of the world. First-place winner receives $1,000; second-place $750; third-place $500.
Deadline: Nov 30, 2024
Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Awards for Investigative Reporting
Presented by the Better Government Association with the support of the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, the Awards recognize the best in government-related investigative reporting from across the Midwest region, defined as Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin and Michigan. Judged by a rotating panel of journalists and media educators, the awards highlight the impact of investigative reports as a reform tool within the context of state and local government waste, fraud and corruption. Cash prizes.
Deadline: Mar 11, 2024
RJI Student Innovation Competition
The 2025 Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) competition challenge is to create something to help journalists and newsrooms tackle the increasing rates of news avoidance to get vital information to the communities they serve. Each team can be up to four students, who can be enrolled at any college in the US. Cash prizes.
Deadline: Oct 18, 2024
Rory Peck Awards
Since 1995, these Awards have annually recognized the work of freelance journalists globally for the crucial role they play in newsgathering. Includes multiple categories for freelance reporters, filmmakers, photojournalists and camera operators. Cash prizes.
Deadline: Jul 12, 2024
SABEW Best in Business Contest
The Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW) annual Best in Business contest is the only comprehensive set of awards honoring excellence in business journalism. Categories include General Excellence, Story Topics (e.g., Energy/Sustainability/Climate Change and Health/Science) and Student Journalism. SABEW membership is required, except for students.
Deadline: Jan 6 (early bird); Jan 27 (regular); Jan 31 (final), 2025
SAJA Journalism Awards
The South Asian Journalists Association and SAJA Group Inc. annually invite individual journalists and news organizations in North America to participate. The Awards recognize excellence in coverage of South Asia and the diaspora, as well as outstanding reporting by South Asian journalists and students in the U.S. and Canada. The Awards, with multiple categories, are open to journalists, media companies and freelancers headquartered in the U.S. and Canada.
Deadline: Sep 4, 2024
Scripps Howard Awards
The awards honor work from television stations, networks, radio and podcasts, visual media, online media outlets, independent producers, newspapers and print publications. There are several categories of interest to environmental journalists, including environmental reporting that encourages journalists "to help educate the public and public officials on environmental issues. It may be awarded for explanatory or expository journalism or investigative reporting." Cash awards total $170,000 in 15 categories. Entry fees apply.
Deadline: Feb 5, 2024
SEAL Journalism Awards
The SEAL (Sustainability, Environmental Achievement & Leadership) Awards include prizes for environmental journalism. In 2024, 12 journalists were awarded a SEAL Environmental Journalism Award "for their efforts to raise awareness of the interplay between social, governmental and market forces in shaping climate justice."
Deadline: Rolling basis. Nominations accepted here.
Sharon Begley Science Reporting Award
The Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW) announced in September 2021 the launch of a new award honoring the late science journalist Sharon Begley. The award, to be presented annually starting in 2022, will recognize and support journalists who exemplify excellence in covering science for the public. The award will provide a $20,000 grant to a mid-career science journalist.
Deadline: Apr 30, 2024
Sidney Awards
Since 1950, the Sidney Hillman Foundation has awarded the annual Hillman Prizes, which are among the most prestigious honors in journalism. In 2009, the foundation inaugurated the Sidney, a monthly award for an outstanding piece of investigative work that fosters social and economic justice. The piece must have been published in the month preceding the deadline. The foundation will announce a winner on the 15th of each month. Recipients are awarded $500, a bottle of union-made wine, and a certificate designed especially for the Sidney by New Yorker cartoonist, Edward Sorel.
Deadline: Last day of each month
Sigma Delta Chi Awards
The Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi Awards recognize the best in professional journalism in categories covering print, radio, television, newsletters, art/graphics, online and research, plus seven Spanish-language awards (new in 2022). Open to any work published or broadcast by a U.S. or international media outlet. Freelance work is eligible.
Deadline: Dec 31, 2024 (earlybird); Feb 11, 2025 (final)
Smithsonian Magazine's Annual Photo Contest
This annual photo contest is open to photographers worldwide who are 18 years old or more. Categories include the natural world, travel, people, the American experience, artistic images and drone/aerial photos. Cash prizes.
Deadline: Dec 2, 2024
SND Best of News Design Creative Competition
Sponsored by the Society for News Design and the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, this annual competition recognizes excellence in news design, graphics and photography. Open to all magazines and general circulation newspapers — daily or non-daily, broadsheet or tabloid, traditional or alternative — published anywhere in the world, as well as syndicates and cooperatives providing material used in newspapers. Each annual design competition covers one calendar year. Membership in SND is not required.
Deadline: Feb 23, 2024
SPJ Mark of Excellence Awards
The Society of Professional Journalists presents these awards annually, honoring the best in student journalism. Open to US and international students studying toward an academic degree enrolled in a U.S. or international college or university in 2024.
Deadline: Dec 31, 2024 (earlybird); Feb 4, 2025 (final)
Story Money Impact (SMI) annually invites applications for the STORY TO ACTION program, which aims to support five completed documentary films that inspire action towards social and/or environmental justice issues in Canada. All content must be finished, premiered and be fully available for community use by October 2024.
Deadline: Earlybird — May 19; final — June 3, 2024
Student Press Freedom Awards
The Student Press Law Center annually presents awards recognizing exceptional efforts of high school and college journalists in fighting for student press freedom and in telling important stories of their communities. Cash prizes.
Deadline: Jun 30, 2024
SWCC's Book Awards
Science Writers & Communicators of Canada (SWCC; previously the Canadian Science Writers' Association) annually honors outstanding contributions to Canadian science writing with two book awards: 1) intended for and available to children/middle grades ages 8-12 years and 2) intended for and available to the general public.
Deadline: Nov 1, 2024
Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers
The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University accepts nominations each year for a single story, a photograph, an editorial or a commentary; a series of stories, photographs, editorials or commentaries; or a body of work by an individual journalist. The Taylor Family Award was established through gifts for an endowment by members of the Taylor family, which published The Boston Globe from 1872 to 1999. The winner receives a $10,000 award and the second and third finalists receive $1,000. The award is given to encourage fairness in news coverage by America's daily newspapers.
Deadline: Jan 22, 2025
Third Coast Competition
The Third Coast International Audio Festival's newly independent Third Coast Competition welcomes the most diverse array of audio stories possible, in any language, from anywhere in the world, providing affordable rates for all through a Collective Pricing Model.
Deadlines: Dec 17, 2024 (earlybird); April 7, 2025 (final)
Thomas L. Stokes Award for Best Energy and Environment Reporting
The National Press Foundation annually offers a $2,500 award and citation for best analysis, commentary or reporting on energy, natural resources and the environment to a US-based journalist. The award is open to all media. The work must have been published between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31 of the previous year.
Deadline: Mar 3, 2025
Travel Photographer of the Year
The TPOTY competition is open to all photographers worldwide; entry fees apply. The 2024 winner will be the photographer who submits the best two portfolios across the portfolio categories Faces, People, Cultures; Planet Earth – landscapes, climate & water; Travel in Monochrome; and Wildlife, Nature & Underwater. There's also a Young Travel Photographer of the Year category (no entry fee). Cash prizes.
Deadline: Oct 6, 2024
True Story Award
This global journalism prize aims to make reporters' voices known beyond the borders of their home countries, to increase the diversity of perspectives offered in the media. Writing in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Persian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish is eligible. Cash prizes.
Deadline: Oct 22, 2024
UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize
Journalists, institutions and others who have made a significant contribution to press freedom anywhere in the world, representing all types of media including digital media, may be nominated for this annual $25,000 prize. Deadline: Feb 15, 2025
United Nations Correspondents Association Award For UN Coverage
Presented for best print, broadcast and online media coverage of the UN, its agencies and field operations. Open to all journalists anywhere in the world. The prizes amount to over $60,000 to be distributed among the prize categories and winners. Prizes are presented at the UNCA Awards Dinner at UN Headquarters in New York. Judges look for entries with impact, insight and originality, and will consider the courage and investigative and reporting skills of the journalists. Entries from the developing world media are particularly welcome. 2024 call for entries.
Deadline: Sep 30, 2024
US Water Prize
The US Water Alliance's annual Prize includes the Outstanding One Water Communication Award for journalists and producers from mainstream media outlets and publications, authors, podcast hosts and other communicators who focus on water issues.
Deadline: May 31, 2023
USC Annenberg California Health Equity Impact Fund
California-based professional journalists (including freelancers) or reporters from national outlets doing a California-focused project are eligible for this fund comprising a $2,000-$10,000 stipend, five months of professional mentorship from a veteran journalist and more.
Deadline: Dec 1, 2024
The Victor K. McElheny Award
Launched in Dec 2018 by the Knight Science Journalism program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this award honors local and regional reporting from the US on science, public health, technology or the environment. The single award is $10,000 and a ceremony hosted by KSJ. There is no entry fee.
Deadline: Jan 31, 2025
The Visura Project Grants for Freelance Visual Journalists
Four freelance visual journalists or photojournalists worldwide will each be awarded a $2500 project grant for visual stories about climate change, environmental justice, gender equality, racial justice and human rights, as well as a Lifetime Plus Membership to build a website via Visura. Free Visura membership required.
Deadline: Extended to Apr 30, 2022
Waldo Proffitt Award for Excellence in Environmental Journalism in Florida
The Zimmerman School of Advertising & Mass Communications at the University of South Florida annually recognizes distinguished examples of reporting and commentary about environmental issues in Florida with a $1,000 award.
Deadline: Aug 16, 2024
The Water Desk Grants
The Water Desk at the University of Colorado Boulder's Center for Environmental Journalism is offering grants (up to $10,000) to media outlets and individual journalists covering either New Mexico water issues or the Rio Grande watershed in Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and/or Mexico. Because water is intertwined with so many issues, proposals may cover a broad spectrum of topics: climate change, biodiversity, pollution, public health, environmental justice, food, agriculture, drinking water, economics, recreation and more.
Deadline: Apr 17, 2023
WFSJ Solidarity Fund
The World Federation of Science Journalists offers financial assistance up to $1,000USD in a range of emergency cases where working science journalists find their financial well-being and personal safety are compromised by violence, displacement, injuries, natural disasters or outbreaks of disease.
Deadline: rolling
Wildlife Photographer of the Year
This annual international competition and exhibition of the Natural History Museum in London, UK highlights the unique and beautiful relationship between photography, science and art. Includes a young photographer category. Win cash prizes, a place in the museum's exhibit and more.
Deadline: Dec 5, 2024
Wildscreen Panda Awards
This wildlife and environmental film and photography competition takes place at the biennial Wildscreen Film Festival in the UK, since 1982; next one takes place 2024. The Festival "celebrates and advances the art of natural world storytelling," attracting hundreds of people from around the world who work in film and television production, or are involved in conservation and environmental issues — providing an opportunity for people from all around the globe to gather to discuss technical, editorial and scientific developments in their industry. The Panda Awards honor outstanding achievements in the craft of natural world storytelling.
Deadline: Early bird — Apr 12, 2024; Regular — May 10, 2024
WJP Anthony Lewis Prize for Exceptional Rule of Law Journalism
The World Justice Project’s Anthony Lewis Prize honors journalists around the world who advance the rule of law. The next winner of the $10,000 prize will be celebrated at World Justice Forum 2025: Standing Up for the Rule of Law, to be held in Warsaw, Poland, June 23-26.
Deadline: Mar 2, 2025
World Press Photo Contest
Worldwide entries are welcome from all professional photographers working in the field of photojournalism and/or documentary photography. €1,000 for each of the winners and an additional €10,000 for the World Press Photo of the Year winner, and more.
Deadline: Jan 10, 2025
Worth Bingham Prize for Investigative Journalism
The Worth Bingham Prize, administered by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, honors investigative reporting of stories of national significance where the public interest is being ill-served. These stories may involve state, local or national government, lobbyists or the press itself wherever there exists that "atmosphere of easy tolerance" that Worth Bingham himself once described in his reporting on the nation's capital. The investigative reporting may cover actual violations of the law, rule or code; lax or ineffective administration or enforcement; or activities which create conflicts of interest, entail excessive secrecy or otherwise raise questions of propriety. Submissions must have been published in a U.S. newspaper or magazine or on the newspaper or magazine’s Web site during the previous calendar year. Web-based news organizations that follow a strict code of journalistic ethics and publish original reporting on a regular basis may also submit entries. No broadcast-only entries are allowed. The prize is $20,000 and is presented in Spring at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard in Cambridge, Mass.
Deadline: Jan 22, 2025
Yale Environment 360 Film Contest
This annual contest honors the year’s best environmental films from around the world, highlighting work that has not previously been widely seen. Films that are funded by an organization or company and are primarily about that organization or company are not eligible. Cash prizes.
Deadline: May 20, 2024
ZEKE Awards
In 2025, the Social Documentary Network will give two separate awards, each with a $2,500 prize: 1) the ZEKE Award for Systemic Change, for visual stories on topics including the threat to democracy and solutions to this global crisis as well as related issues including human rights, global health, climate change, migration and refugees, conflict, race and gender, reproductive rights, sustainable farming practices and others; and 2) the ZEKE Award for Documentary Photography, on themes that affect the global community.
Deadline: Jan 15, 2025