"The nation is heading toward the worst outbreak of West Nile disease in the 13 years that the virus has been on this continent, federal health authorities said Wednesday."
"But it is still unclear where and how far cases will spread. Dallas declared an emergency last week, and West Nile deaths have been concentrated in Texas and a few nearby states, including Louisiana, Mississippi and Oklahoma, as well as South Dakota.
So far this year, there have been 1,118 cases and 41 deaths reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Lyle R. Petersen, director of the agency’s division of vector-borne diseases, said Wednesday in a telephone news conference.
'That’s the highest number of cases ever reported to the C.D.C. by the third week of August,' he added. 'And cases are trending upward.'"
Donald G. McNeil Jr. reports for the New York Times August 22, 2012.
"Texas Sprays for West Nile Virus Despite Fears of Insecticide Risks" (Mother Jones)
"West Nile Virus Outbreak Worst in U.S. History" (Environment News Service)
"Is spraying for West Nile virus safe?" (NBC News)
Centers for Disease Control West Nile Virus Homepage