"World Leaders, High Security At Paris Climate Summit"

"PARIS — More than 50 world leaders are joining bankers, energy magnates and others Tuesday in Paris for a summit that President Emmanuel Macron hopes will give new momentum to the fight against global warming — despite U.S. President Donald Trump's rejection of the Paris climate accord.

Sean Penn, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Gates and Elon Musk are among prominent figures joining the world leaders at the summit, where participants are expected to announce billions of dollars' worth of projects to help poor countries and industries reduce emissions.

Activists kept up pressure with a protest in the shadow of the domed Pantheon monument calling for an end to all investment in oil, gas and resource mining."

Angela Charlton and Sylvie Corbet report for the Associated Press December 12, 2017.


"Macron Awards U.S. Climate Scientists Grants To 'Make Our Planet Great Again'" (NPR)

"Climate Change: Trump Will Bring Us Back Into Paris Deal - Macron" (BBC News)

Source: AP, 12/12/2017