"WASHINGTON — The final text of the Republican tax bill made public Friday largely preserves key tax credits for wind and solar power and electric vehicles, reversing language in earlier versions that could have slowed the growth of renewable energy across the United States.
The last-minute changes, made as lawmakers reconciled the House and Senate versions of the tax legislation, reflect the growing political clout of the wind and solar industries, which now provide more than 7 percent of the nation’s electricity and are two of the fastest-growing energy sources.
“As wind and solar projects have soared in the U.S., in both red and blue states, so has the industry’s influence in Washington, D.C., on both sides of the aisle,” said Dan W. Reicher, director of the Center for Energy Policy and Finance at Stanford."
Brad Plumer reports for the New York Times December 16, 2017.
"U.S. Renewable Energy Industry Relieved As Republicans Keep Tax Credits" (Reuters)
"Clean Energy's $12 Billion Financing Tool Spared in Tax Deal" (Bloomberg)
"Energy Sector Gets Boost From Tax Bill" (Houston Chronicle)
"Tax Bill Keeps Renewable Energy Tax Credits Alive, But Hits Banks That Finance Green Projects" (Washington Examiner)
"Energy Tax Credits Appear Safe As Gop Tax Bill Speeds Toward A Vote" (Utility Dive)
"Tax Bill Boosts Oil, Gas Drilling _ And Renewable Energy" (AP)
"Tax Policy: Left Out Of Overhaul, Energy Interests Look To Extenders Bill" (E&E Daily)
"Tax Bill Largely Preserves Incentives for Wind and Solar Power"
Source: NY Times, 12/18/2017