"Jeff Holmstead, a former top EPA official under President George W. Bush, is expected to be appointed as the No. 2 official at the EPA, according to two sources familiar with the decision-making process.
Holmstead, now a partner at law and lobbying firm Bracewell, is the last man standing for the deputy administrator post. EPA chief Scott Pruitt has met with him and likes him, and the White House recommended him so he's an easy pass from that end. No final decision has been made, but there is no other serious contender for the job at this moment. Other contenders, including coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, have been cast aside, according to a source with direct knowledge.
Why it matters: If Holmstead is nominated, it would represent a moderating tilt inside the agency's leadership. Holmstead is a veteran Washington insider and considered a more moderate official compared to many elected Republicans today, and compared to some top advisers in EPA now. "
Jonathan Swan and Amy Harder report for Axios June 19, 2017.
Sources Say Jeff Holmstead Expected To Be Named Deputy at EPA
Source: Axios, 06/20/2017