Senate Could Vote Again Today on Keystone Pipeline, Arctic Refuge

"The Senate [Tuesday] will likely vote on an amendment to approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and to vastly expand access to domestic oil and gas resources. But unlike similar votes last week, senators this time will vote on a much broader package that includes the extension of expiring tax incentives."

Phil Taylor reports for Greenwire (subscription only) March 12, 2012.


"Senate Floor Schedule for Tuesday, March 13, 2012" (Senate Democrats)

"Sen. Roberts' Amendment Is Just a Wish List for Big Oil" (NRDC Switchboard)

"Keystone Pipeline Revival Tucked in Senate Vote This Week" (Human Events)

"Senate Rejects GOP Measure To Build Oil Pipeline" (CNN 3/8/12)

Source: Greenwire, 03/13/2012