"Republican Jeb Bush rejected on Thursday what he called an arrogant view that anyone who questions how much climate change is a result of human activity is considered 'Neanderthal.'
Bush, answering questions from reporters after an event in Salem, New Hampshire, defended remarks he made a day earlier in which he said scientific research does not clearly show how much of climate change is caused by humans and how much is from natural causes.
The United Nations panel of climate scientists, which is composed of thousands of the world's leading climate change experts, says it is at least 95 percent probable that most of the warming since 1950 is caused by man-made greenhouse gases."
Steve Holland reports for Reuters May 21, 2015.
"Jeb Bush Says People Who Accept Climate Science Are ‘Really Arrogant’" (Climate Progress)
"Republican Jeb Bush Criticizes 'Arrogance' in Climate Change Debate"
Source: Reuters, 05/22/2015