"Population of North American Sage-Grouse Sharply Declining: Study"

"LOS ANGELES -- The number of breeding males in the greater sage-grouse population of the United States and part of Canada has declined by 56 percent in recent years, in a sign of trouble for the ground-dwelling bird, a study released on Friday showed.

The study from the Pew Charitable Trusts comes as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service prepares to make a decision before the end of September on whether the bird should be protected under the Endangered Species Act.

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced on that a sub-species of the sage-grouse found in California and Nevada did not require protection under the Endangered Species Act. Environmentalists criticized the decision."

Alex Dobuzinskis reports for Reuters April 24, 2015.


"As GOP Pushes Listing Delay, Sage Grouse Numbers Have Tumbled -- Report" (E&E Daily)

Source: Reuters, 04/27/2015