"Summer air pollution could trigger more asthma attacks for children who live in industrial cities, and the Environmental Protection Agency would like stricter rules to cut smog.
Congress is split on the agency's proposal, however, with some Republicans saying the EPA's regulatory agenda could cost businesses as well as drive up energy expenses for families. Clean air advocates counter that low standards for pollution cost families by endangering children's health.
The EPA's proposed air-pollution standards are 'long overdue,' Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., said Wednesday at a hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee's clean air subcommittee. He pointed to his own state, where there are nearly 25,000 children with asthma in a state of just 1 million people. Someone needs to speak for the children, Whitehouse said.
'These children are frankly not heard, and the cost to them is not heard,' he said. 'The polluting industries are heard loud and clear.'"
Jarondakie Patrick reports for McClatchy Newspapers June 8, 2011.
"Utility Groups Trade Blows on New EPA Emissions Rules" (Greenwire)
"EPA's Tests of Air Outside Schools Find Problems" (USA TODAY)
"When Will Obama's EPA Crack Down on Smog?" (Mother Jones)
"Carper, Udall Convene Senate Hearing on Air Pollution and Children's Health" (Farmington Daily Times)
"Latino Groups Push Obama on Ozone Standards" (Los Angeles Times)
"Air Quality Action Day Declared for Thursday" (PRNewswire/Clean Air NY)
"Pollution Worsens Kids' Asthma, But Efforts To Cut It Split Congress"
Source: McClatchy, 06/09/2011