"Mayor Peduto Slams Trump For Name-Dropping Pittsburgh"

"When Bill Peduto campaigned this spring for re-election, he banked on Pittsburghers’ distaste for the president. The mayor aired a 30-second TV spot that knocked Donald Trump over health care and education, even calling him a New England Patriots fan.

'And I was elected with nearly 70 percent of the vote,' Mr. Peduto said Thursday evening, swiping again at the White House after Mr. Trump referenced Pittsburgh in an announcement withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement. 'This city does not support the initiatives that he is doing. This city is adamantly opposed to them.

'For him to use this city as his example of who he is elected to represent — he’s not representing us at all, or not very well,' the mayor added, addressing reporters in his Downtown office."

Adam Smeltz reports for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette June 1, 2017.


"Pittsburgh Fires Back At Trump: We Stand With Paris, Not You" (Guardian)

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 06/02/2017