"Jeb Bush Now Says Humans Contribute To Climate Change"

"Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, who has made varying statements on climate change this year, said Thursday that he believes humans are partly responsible for it.  

"The climate is changing; I don’t think anybody can argue it’s not. Human activity has contributed to it," Bush said in an email interview with Bloomberg BNA.

The former Florida governor had said in June that he believes in climate change --although he didn't say if he thought humans were contributing to the problem, which is the scientific consensus. But in May, he said it is "arrogant" to claim that the science on the issue is settled, an argument he has been using since 2011."

Jacob Kerr reports for the Huffington Post July 30, 2015.


"Ted Cruz Expresses 'Full Out Denial' of Global Warming During Forum " (Guardian)

"Major Environmental Group Endorses Bernie Sanders’ 2016 Bid" (National Journal)

"Where the GOP Candidates Stand on Global Warming" (Boston Globe)

Source: Huffington Post, 08/03/2015