"House Democrats Reject Trump's Proposed 31% EPA Budget Cut"

"WASHINGTON -- House Democrats are sending a message that they view deep budget cuts at the Environmental Protection Agency as a non-starter, setting down another marker for future spending battles with the White House in the months ahead.

The Democrat-led House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday released a draft funding bill for Interior, Environment and related agencies for fiscal year 2020 that rejects proposed cuts at EPA outlined in President Donald Trump's most recent budget.

Trump's budget proposal called for cutting EPA funding by 31% -- bringing it down to $6.1 billion from its fiscal year 2019 level of roughly $8.8 billion. The House funding bill released on Tuesday calls for EPA to be funded at a level of $9.52 billion for fiscal year 2020, an increase over both the current level and the President's budget request."

Clare Foran reports for CNN May 14, 2019.


"EPA: Democrats Propose Dramatic Spending Hike" (E&E News PM: Subscription May Be Required)

"Senate GOP Down On Energy, Environment Increases" (E&E Daily)

Source: CNN, 05/15/2019