"A Guide To Electric Car Misinformation (Part 2)"

"The truth is, when it comes to the environment, there really is no such thing as a “good” car."

"Last week, we talked about the recent uptick in politically-motivated electric vehicle misinformation, and went through some of the most prevalent myths and misleading claims about EV policy.

This week, we’ll be going through some of the most prevalent myths and misleading claims that power-seekers and profit-seekers are spreading about EVs in general.

Financially-motivated EV misinformation comes from both sides of the aisle (the lane?). Industries that see EVs as a threat exaggerate their harms in a bid to get you to hate EVs. And industries that profit from EVs greenwash their benefits in a bid to get you to love EVs."

Emily Atkin reports for HEATED April 3, 2024.


"A Guide To Electric Car Misinformation (Part 1)" (HEATED)

Source: HEATED, 04/04/2024