"Georgia Power Spending Nearly $2 Billion To Retire Coal Ash Ponds"

"All 29 ponds will be closed within three years. Ash from 16 ponds will go to lined landfills. Impermeable barriers will protect 13 other closed ponds."

"For the past 25 years, Joella Pipkin has worried about her water supply.

Living in Monroe County just south of Georgia Power’s Plant Scherer, the 73-year-old Pipkin fears that contaminants in her well may have adversely affected her health.

'I hate that ash pond up the road,' Pipkin said of the utility’s method of disposing of residue from the coal-fired plant."

Liz Fabian reports for the Macon Telegraph June 20, 2016.


"Suit Over Chesapeake Coal Ash Goes To Trial Tuesday" (Norfolk Virginian-Pilot)

"Dominion Assures Draining Of Ash Ponds Will Protect Local Waters" (Bay Journal)

"Judge Says Waste Leak From Coal Plant Ponds Is 'Alarming'" (Raleigh News & Observer)

"In Georgia, A Small-Town Newspaper Owner Takes On A Goliath Waste Company" (Columbia Journalism Review)

"Ga. Power To Speed Closure Of Coal Ash Ponds" (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

"Group Sues Duke Energy Over Coal Ash; Cites ‘Contamination’ Of Mayo Lake" (Raleigh News & Observer)

Source: Macon Telegraph, 06/21/2016