"The government on Friday approved the commercial planting of genetically engineered apples that are resistant to turning brown when sliced or bruised.
The developer, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, says it believes the nonbrowning feature will be popular with both consumers and food service companies because it will make sliced apples more appealing. The feature could also reduce the number of apples discarded because of bruising.
But many executives in the apple industry say they worry that the biotech apples, while safe to eat, will face opposition from some consumers, possibly tainting the wholesome image of the fruit that reputedly “keeps the doctor away.” They are also concerned that it could hurt exports of apples to countries that do not like genetically modified foods."
Andrew Pollack reports for the New York Times February 13, 2015.
"Gene-Altered Apples Get U.S. Approval"
Source: NY Times, 02/16/2015