Exposed: A Scientific Stalemate Leaves Our Hormones And Health At Risk

"American industry, aided by federal regulators, is conducting a large-scale, consequential experiment with our hormones and the developing brains and reproductive systems of our children."

"SEATTLE — Bisphenol A is likely coursing through your body right now. Every day, you're inadvertently consuming and absorbing trace amounts as it migrates from can and bottle linings into your food and drink, and from thermal paper receipts onto your skin.

Scientists have found BPA in more than 90 percent of Americans tested. Yet whether exposures to such small amounts of the common chemical pose any real health hazard remains highly controversial. On one side of a deep rift are academics who are adamant about the adverse effects; on the other side are U.S. Food and Drug Administration scientists who declare there are no dangers. Only one side has any control over what actually makes its way into your body.

"This is a chasm that is not going to be breached," Daniel Doerge, a biochemical toxicologist with the FDA for nearly 30 years, said during a panel at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) conference in Parma, Italy, last September. "

Lynne Peeples reports for Environmental Health News November 12, 2019, in Part 1 of a 4-part series.


Part 2: "Exposed: On The Edge Of Research Honesty" (EHN)

Part 3: "Exposed: Deciphering The Real Message About BPA" (EHN)

Part 4: "Exposed: Toward a BPA-Free Future" (EHN)

Source: EHN, 11/14/2019