"WASHINGTON — In the absence of global action to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the United States by the end of the century may face up to $180 billion in economic losses because of drought and water shortages, according to a report released Monday by the White House and Environmental Protection Agency.
White House officials said the report, which analyzes the economic costs of a changing climate across 20 sectors of the American economy, is the most comprehensive effort to date to quantify the impacts of global warming.
The report comes as President Obama is trying to build political support both at home and abroad for an ambitious climate change agenda. During the president’s six and a half years in office, the E.P.A. has released a series of regulations and legal decisions aimed at reining in planet-warming greenhouse gases from cars, trucks, power plants and airplanes. Mr. Obama hopes to use those regulations as leverage to broker a United Nations accord in Paris this December that would commit all nations to enacting similar emissions cuts."
Coral Davenport reports for the New York Times June 22, 2015.
"Inaction on Climate Change Would Cost Billions, Major EPA Study Finds" (Washington Post)
"White House Says Action Needed Now To Slow Climate Change" (Associated Press)
"EPA Official: Decisions On Climate Change Will Affect Economic Future Of U.S." (NPR)
"E.P.A. Warns of High Cost of Climate Change"
Source: NY Times, 06/23/2015