"EPA Restores Industrial Air Pollution Rule Axed By Trump"

"The “Once In, Always In” policy is intended to curb emissions of arsenic, benzene and other toxic air pollutants from industrial facilities nationwide."

"The Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday strengthened a rule limiting toxic air pollution from factories, refineries and other industrial facilities, reversing one of former president Donald Trump’s major environmental rollbacks.

In an update posted on its website, the agency quietly signaled it had finalized changes to the “Once In, Always In” rule, which requires facilities classified as “major” sources of toxic air pollution to always maintain strict pollution controls, even if they are later reclassified.

EPA considers a facility a “major source” if it annually emits 10 tons or more of a single hazardous air pollutant or 25 tons or more of at least two such pollutants, including arsenic and benzene. Inhaling these pollutants carries a range of health risks."

Maxine Joselow reports for the Washington Post September 4, 2024.


"Biden Administration Partially Restores Air Pollution Standards Weakened By Trump" (The Hill)

Source: Washington Post, 09/05/2024