Environmental Catastrophe Declared In Massive Arctic Tundra Oil Spill

"Large territories of rivers, streams and tundra lands are covered by more than 20 thousands tons of diesel oil from a reservoir owned by company Nornickel. The catastrophe was reported to the authorities only two days after the spill and nobody really knows how to clean up."

"A thick layer of diesel oil now covers more than 20 km of rivers around the installations of the Norilsk-Taymyr Energy Company.  Practically all rivers and affluent creeks are filled up by oil products, leader of Russia’s Federal Environmental Control Service (Rosprirodnadzor) says after a visit on site.

Water samples show several tens of thousands times higher concentrations of oil products than the maximum allowed level, Svetlana Radionova told President Vladimir Putin in an online video meeting on Wednesday.

According to Radionova, about 6,000 tons of diesel oil has spilled into the tundra and  another about 15,000 tons have ended up in the local waterways."

Atle Staalesen reports for the Barents Observer June 4, 2020.


"Arctic Fuel Spill Prompts Russia’s Putin To Declare Emergency And Slam Slow Response" (Washington Post)

Video: "Russia Oil Spill In The Arctic Circle State Of Emergency Declared" (CNBC)

Video:"20,000 Tonnes Of Russian Diesel Spill Into Arctic river" (Guardian)

Source: Barents Observer, 06/05/2020