CSB Explosion Probe Says EPA Should Scrutinize Deadly Hydroflouric Acid

"The Chemical Safety Board says refineries need to strengthen safeguards surrounding the use of hydroflouric acid, and the EPA should take steps to improve oversight. The recommendations are part of a final report on the investigation into the June 2019 explosion and fire at Philadelphia Energy Solutions in southwest Philadelphia.

One of the most dangerous aspects of the incident was the release of more than 5,000 pounds of hydroflouric acid (HF) into the air. Nobody was injured by the chemical release. But it’s one of the most deadly industrial chemicals in use, and swallowing just a small amount of it or getting small splashes on the skin can be fatal, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Integral to the creation of high-octane gasoline, it is used as a catalyst and is combined with highly flammable hydrocarbons at 46 alkylation units in the United States, including three other refineries in the Philadelphia region."

Susan Phillips reports for State Impact Pennsylvania October 11, 2022.

"CSB Releases Final Report into 2019 PES Fire and Explosion in Philadelphia" (Chemical Safety Board release)


Source: State Impact Pennsylvania, 10/12/2022