"Coalition Calls On Obama To Speed Up Regulation Review"

"WASHINGTON -- A coalition representing environmental groups, consumer advocates and unions is calling on the White House to reform the process for reviewing new regulations, a process that has reportedly been gummed up for years."

"The coalition cites concerns about 'political interference with potentially controversial rules' as well as the 'timeliness, transparency and effectiveness in the regulatory review process' in a letter sent to President Barack Obama Wednesday.

The letter, from the Coalition for Sensible Safeguards, comes in response to a December Washington Post story detailing a number of environmental, health, and worker safety rules delayed until after the 2012 election in order to avoid controversy. Those included parts of health care reform, clean water protections and pollution limits."

Kate Sheppard reports for the Huffington Post January 8, 2014.

Source: Huffington Post, 01/09/2014