"The budget deal that [passed early Friday morning] includes the one-year, retroactive renewal of a host of expired tax breaks.
About 30 tax breaks that expired at the end of 2016 were renewed for 2017, allowing taxpayers to claim them on the 2017 returns they file this year.
Senate Republicans had pushed for the renewal in 2018 of the tax breaks, known as "extenders." But conservative groups had urged lawmakers against including the extenders in a spending bill, arguing that doing so would have undercut the new tax law.
The tax preferences include those relating to renewable energy, motorsports and race horses."
Naomi Jagoda reports for The Hill February 8, 2018.
"Energy Tax Credits In Final Budget Deal Passed By Congress" (Utility Dive)
"Senate puts clean energy subsidies in spending deal" (Washington Examiner)
"What's Hidden in the Senate Spending Bill?" (New York Times)
"Budget Deal Renews Expired Tax Breaks"
Source: The Hill, 02/09/2018