Water & Oceans

"L.A. County Aims To Collect Billions More Gallons Of Local Water By 2045"

"Over the next two decades, Los Angeles County will collect billions more gallons in water from local sources, especially storm and reclaimed water, shifting from its reliance on other region’s water supplies as the effects of climate change make such efforts less reliable and more expensive."

Source: LA Times, 12/11/2023

"‘Forever Chemical’ In English Tap Water Samples Carcinogenic, WHO Rules"

"A substance found in hundreds of drinking water samples across England has been categorised as carcinogenic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The move will increase pressure on the UK government to take action on “forever chemicals”."

Source: Guardian, 12/05/2023

"In Some Neighborhoods In Drought-Prone Kenya, Clean Water Is Scarce"

"As the sun rises in the Bondeni-Jua Kali neighborhood on the outskirts of Kenya’s capital Nairobi, dozens of women and men step out of their corrugated iron homes with yellow jerricans, skip over pools of sewage and make their way to a nearby water vending station."

Source: AP, 12/04/2023

"EPA Lead Pipe Rule Good for Justice, But May Come at High Cost"

"The EPA’s goal to replace all lead drinking water pipes in the US within 10 years is ambitious and furthers environmental justice, water attorneys and environmental groups say, but some former agency officials worry the goal may be too costly to meet."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 12/04/2023

"West Virginians Could Get Stuck Cleaning Up the Coal Industry’s Messes"

"West Virginia’s fund to clean up abandoned coal mines is in such dire shape that it threatens to stick taxpayers with hundreds of millions — perhaps even billions — of dollars in cleanup costs. And yet, little is being done to turn things around."

Source: Mountain State Spotlight, 12/04/2023

"Oregon’s Drinking Water Is at Risk From Clearcutting"

"The forests that blanket the foothills of the Coast Range are crucial to holding onto freshwater and keeping it drinkable. But for years, local residents have suspected that clearcutting by private logging companies in the area has endangered their precious freshwater resource. Now, a new joint report from NASA and Oregon-based nonprofit Oregon Wild confirms coastal residents’ observations and echoes their concerns."

Source: Sierra, 12/01/2023


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