A new ruling by a New Mexico state district judge requires that a report on groundwater pollution from a mixed-waste landfill at Sandia National Laboratories be made public.
An extensive report on the growing threats posed to the Colorado River system by climate change, drought, and increasing population is scheduled to be released Feb. 21, 2007.
Steps necessary to improve security at tens of thousands of US drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater facilities have become a little more definitive with the release Dec. 14, 2006, of a draft set of voluntary guidelines. (
The Gulf waters off of Louisiana aren't the only US area burdened by a "dead zone." There are similar, smaller areas with short- or long-term oxygen depletion off the shores of 20 states, as well as Canada and Mexico.
For many reporters, eco wine can be an intensely local story. While not every state has vineyards, viticulture has spread way beyond California in recent decades.
On Dec. 2, the US Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that could decide whether the Clean Water Act (CWA) allows EPA to weigh costs and benefits when determining the best technology available for the cooling water intake structures at existing power plants.
Three reports being released by the National Academies' National Research Council have strong environmental links. Reports concern water, biofuels and ongoing conflicts between national security and the open flow of scientific information.