Water & Oceans

"Testimony: Obsolete Tests Tainted Shale Analysis"

"[Pennsylvania] State regulators did not consider available water chemistry test results and had limited knowledge of past spills and leaks at Range Resources’ Yeager Farm shale gas development site in Washington County before deciding the operation did not contaminate the nearby private water supply of Loren Kiskadden, according to testimony last week in the ongoing case before the state Environmental Hearing Board in Pittsburgh."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 10/06/2014

EPA Plans Health Advisories On Harmful Algal Blooms by May 2015

"The Environmental Protection Agency is aiming to issue by May 2015 drinking water health advisories for cyanobacteria, the harmful forms of blue-green algae that contaminated water supplies in Toledo, Ohio, and resulted in a weekend-long ban in early August, an agency official said Sept. 29."

Source: Daily Environment Report, 10/02/2014


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