"New Push To Prevent Great Lakes Invasive Species"
"Most of Michigan’s congressional delegation backed legislation introduced Thursday to stop Asian carp and other invasive species from entering the Great Lakes."
"Most of Michigan’s congressional delegation backed legislation introduced Thursday to stop Asian carp and other invasive species from entering the Great Lakes."
"The canal would allow passage for the largest ships on the water, but cut through wetlands, forests and the region's largest freshwater lake — and environmentalists worry about the consequences."
"The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday approved legislation that orders the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to fight the toxic algal blooms that tainted drinking water from Lake Erie last summer."
"For years, some small towns and farmers along the Mississippi River have been battling each other over a flood project set up by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers."
"In March 1957, as Elvis was buying Graceland and the Soviets were preparing to shock the world with Sputnik, Robert F. Wagner, the famously cautious mayor of New York, was having trouble taking a stand."
""The Supreme Court today ruled that Nebraska "recklessly gambled" in taking more water from the Republican River than it was allowed. A majority of the justices held that Nebraska knowingly violated an interstate compact governing the river, depriving Kansas of water that should have flowed over the states' border."
"NEW YORK – Cleaning up widespread corruption in the water supply industry is crucial to avert looming water conflicts born of desperation, warns a new United Nations report based on case studies in 10 countries.
“In many places … corruption is resulting in the hemorrhaging of precious financial resources,” siphoning an estimated 30 percent of funds earmarked for water and sanitation-related improvements, the report states.
"Oil and gas companies hoping to drill in the Atlantic Ocean will have to contend with a new federal proposal to declare waters off the Carolinas and Georgia as critical for endangered whales."
"U.S. shellfish producers in the Northeast and the Gulf of Mexico will be most vulnerable to an acidification of the oceans linked to climate change that makes it harder for clams and oysters to build shells, a study said on Monday."
"Wet winter storms that dropped up to a foot (30 cm) of rain on parts of California have modestly eased the state's ongoing drought over the past three months, U.S. drought experts said on Thursday."