"Hurricane Ignacio Weakens as It Moves Closer To Hawaii"
"Greg Colden, a farmer on Hawaii's Big Island, said he is most worried about the damage that more rain and sustained winds could do to the area as Hurricane Ignacio passes by this week."
"Greg Colden, a farmer on Hawaii's Big Island, said he is most worried about the damage that more rain and sustained winds could do to the area as Hurricane Ignacio passes by this week."
"The legal and practical morass surrounding the Obama administration's controversial water rule became more muddied [Thursday] when a federal judge blocked its implementation in 13 states just hours before it was set to go into effect."
"The New Orleans company fighting a decade-long oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday agreed to pay for research on the ecological effects of chronic offshore crude leaks and buy equipment for environmental restoration efforts, as part of a deal settling a long-running lawsuit against the firm."
"A $100 million flood protection system will help keep Sandy-like stormwaters from devastating lower Manhattan, the de Blasio administration said Thursday."
"U.S. officials responsible for the Aug. 5 spill of toxic mine waste in southwestern Colorado had no plan in place for dealing with a catastrophic breach of the kind that fouled a long stretch of the state’s Animas River, an internal inquiry has concluded."
"Even as Louisiana embarks on a multi-billion-dollar program to begin rebuilding its coast, evidence continues to mount that new coastal land will have to contend with a more rapid rise in sea level than projected in present state plans."
"A U.S. court on Thursday blocked a federal clean water rule from going into effect in certain states until a legal challenge has been resolved, handing a victory to states and business groups that have strongly opposed the regulation."
"An internal investigation reveals regulators had wrongly assessed the water pressure built up inside the Gold King mine before releasing toxic wastewater".
"A coalition of groups have banded together to push the EPA to regulate wastewater disposal from oil and gas drilling."
"Sea levels worldwide rose an average of nearly 3 inches (8 cm) since 1992, the result of warming waters and melting ice, a panel of NASA scientists said on Wednesday."