Water & Oceans

Superbugs From Hospitals Get Stronger In Sewers, May End Up In Pacific

The sewage that flows from Southern California may contain deadly, antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Instead of removing them, the sewage collection and treatment system may offer a "luxury hotel" where the superbugs can proliferate before sewage is released to the Pacific.

Source: LA Times, 03/08/2016

"Pits Of Drilling Waste Threaten Water, Air Safety, Report Charges"

"Hundreds of open pits containing toxic waste produced by oil and gas drilling are threatening groundwater in California, and regulators have failed to protect drinking and irrigation water supplies from the danger, an environmental watchdog group concludes in a report set to be released Monday."

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 03/08/2016
April 11, 2016 to April 13, 2016

National Water Policy Forum, Fly-In & Expo

The Policy Forum, anchor event of Water Week 2016, will convene in Washington, D.C., featuring distinguished speakers, Capitol Hill visits and regulatory roundtables – all designed to elevate clean water issues to the top of the federal priority list.

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