Water & Oceans

"Study Says Five Solomon Islands Have Disappeared Underwater"

"Five islands have disappeared in the Pacific's Solomon Islands due to rising sea levels and coastal erosion, according to an Australian study that scientists said Saturday could provide valuable insights for future research.

A further six reef islands have been severely eroded in the remote area of the Solomons, the study said, with one experiencing some 10 houses being swept into the sea between 2011 and 2014.

Source: France 24, 08/08/2016

"More Than 60% Of Maldives' Coral Reefs Hit By Bleaching"

"Scientific survey found all reefs had been affected by high sea surface temperatures, with up to 90% of coral colonies bleached in some areas".

"More than 60% of coral in reefs in the Maldives has been hit by “bleaching” as the world is gripped by record temperatures in 2016, a scientific survey suggests.

Bleaching happens when algae that lives in the coral is expelled due to stress caused by extreme and sustained changes in temperatures, turning the coral white and putting it at risk of dying if conditions do not return to normal.

Source: UK Press Association, 08/08/2016

Everglades: Algae Revives Reservoir Fight On Much-Engineered Okeechobee

"The soup of bright-green algae that is currently blanketing Florida's Treasure Coast is a reminder for many residents of the re-plumbing of the lower half of the state over the past century, when hundreds of canals, reservoirs and other public works were built to control the flow of water as cities blossomed there."

Source: Greenwire, 08/08/2016

"Western Water: Thirsty Westlands Faces Escalating Woes"

"MENDOTA, Calif. — Driving down Highway 33 through California's Central Valley, signs of the state's ongoing drought — and water wars — are everywhere. Fields of green winter wheat and diagonal rows of almond trees alternate with brown fields. Billboards every few miles read, 'No water = No jobs.'"

Source: Greenwire, 08/04/2016


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