Water & Oceans

After Refinery Damaged by Harvey, Benzene Is Detected in Houston Area

"The city of Houston, the Environmental Protection Agency and an environmental advocacy group are investigating a potentially hazardous plume of a carcinogenic substance in one neighborhood after a nearby oil refiner reported its operations suffered hurricane-related damage."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 09/06/2017

"A Sea of Health and Environmental Hazards in Houston’s Floodwaters"

"Officials in Houston are just beginning to grapple with the health and environmental risks that lurk in the waters dumped by Hurricane Harvey, a stew of toxic chemicals, sewage, debris and waste that still floods much of the city."

Source: NY Times, 09/01/2017

"Harvey Could Reshape How and Where Americans Build Homes"

"Hurricane Harvey has highlighted a climate debate that had mostly stayed out of public view -- a debate that’s separate from the battle over greenhouse gas emissions, but more consequential to the lives of many Americans. At the core of that fight is whether the U.S. should respond to the growing threat of extreme weather by changing how and, even where, homes are built."

Source: Bloomberg, 08/31/2017

"State Demands Enbridge Fix Mackinac Pipe Coating Gaps"

"Gov. Rick Snyder on Wednesday ordered an accelerated and “aggressive” review of Enbridge Energy operations and maintenance procedures after the company revealed that at least two areas on twin pipelines running under the Straits of Mackinac are missing enamel coating."

Source: Detroit News, 08/31/2017


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