Water & Oceans

Trump Budget Kills Funds For Clean Tap Water In Struggling Small Towns

"ST. JOSEPH, Louisiana – On a hot delta day, Roy Bowman fills a gallon jug from an Army green trailer-mounted water tank. All year, Bowman and his neighbors in this crushingly poor, mostly African American town perched on the west bank of the Mississippi River have gotten their water this way."

Source: Reveal, 11/22/2017

New Analysis: EPA Is Ignoring A Lot Of Toxics in US Drinking Water

The law and regulations make it hard for the U.S. EPA to regulate new chemicals in drinking water. A lot of testing is required to show the chemical is harmful and found widely in water. New analysis of existing data shows a family of chemicals that includes perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, may be doing much more harm than EPA admits.

Source: Quartz, 11/21/2017

FOIA Suit, Silence on Hog Farms & Sea-Level Rise, Plus Shield Laws

A push for disclosure on hazardous air emissions from industrial hog farms, and reporting on how the coastal real estate industry works to block bad news about sea-level rise. That, plus the Bay Journal FOIAs the EPA over grant defunding, and a move in Congress towards a federal shield law, all in the latest WatchDog.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Emanuel Blasts EPA, U.S. Steel on Pollution; Plans To To Sue Company"

"After announcing on Sunday the city’s intent to sue U.S. Steel for polluting Lake Michigan, Mayor Rahm Emanuel blasted the company and federal environmental regulators who’ve been “asleep at the switch” under the Trump administration."

Source: Chicago Sun-Times, 11/20/2017
December 1, 2017

Deadline: IJNR's Lower Colorado River Institute

Journalists, come find out about resource allocation, agriculture, environmental justice, development, climate, border politics and more during this Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources trip, February 17-24, 2018, to Arizona, California, Nevada and Mexico. Apply by Dec 1.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Oceans May Host Next Wave Of Renewable Energy"

"Think renewable energy and the wind and sun come to mind. But some day it may be possible to add ocean energy to that list. The fledgling wave energy industry is now getting a boost from the federal government. The Department of Energy is spending up to $40 million to build a wave energy test facility off the Oregon Coast."

Source: NPR, 11/16/2017


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