Water & Oceans

Gov. Rejects Shutdown of Great Lakes Oil Pipeline That's Losing Coating

"Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder has rejected the recommendation of an independent pipeline safety advisory board to shut down an aging crude oil pipeline that has been losing sections of its protective coating where it crosses beneath the Great Lakes."

Source: InsideClimate News, 02/02/2018

Toxic Coal Ash Pits Leaching Into Illinois' Only National Scenic River

"Seven years after Dynegy Inc. scrapped one of the last coal plants in downstate Illinois, environmental groups are accusing the company of failing to prevent toxic waste stored nearby from seeping into the state’s only National Scenic River."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 02/01/2018
July 26, 2020 to July 31, 2020

North American Congress for Conservation Biology

This biennial conference, hosted by the Society for Conservation Biology North America, takes place this year in Denver, Colo. The theme is Crossing Boundaries: Innovative Approaches to Conservation. Travel fellowships for journalists are available from COMPASS; Mar 16 deadline.


Foxconn Wants 7 Million Gallons A Day From Lake Michigan, DNR Says

"The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources says it will decide in about 90 days on a request to pump 7 million gallons a day from Lake Michigan as part of a proposed Foxconn manufacturing complex state leaders have pushed as a major job creator."

Source: Madison State Journal, 01/30/2018


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