Water & Oceans

"Biden To Visit NY, NJ To View Hurricane Ida's Destruction"

"President Joe Biden will visit New York and New Jersey on Tuesday to view the destruction wrought by last week's Hurricane Ida, which has left at least 57 dead and four missing in the eastern United States."

Source: Reuters, 09/07/2021

Will A Summer of Crises Lead to Climate Action? It’s Not Looking Good

"A $3.5 trillion budget bill is faltering in the Senate, and in America at large, well, as one expert put it: “It’s really hard to get people to change their way of life.”"

Source: Inside Climate News, 09/06/2021

NYC's Subway Flooding Not Fluke, But Reality For Cities In Warming World

"Global warming is driving dangerous and disruptive flooding in underground rail systems around the world. Flooded tunnels and stations have disrupted service and stranded passengers in Boston, London, San Francisco, Taipei, Bangkok, Washington, D.C., and a host of other cities in recent years."

Source: NPR, 09/03/2021

"43 Die as Deadliest Storm Since Sandy Devastates the Northeast"

"Three days after Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana, its weakened remnants tore into the Northeast and claimed at least 43 lives across New York, New Jersey and two other states in an onslaught that ended Thursday and served as an ominous sign of climate change’s capacity to wreak new kinds of havoc."

Source: NYTimes, 09/03/2021
September 8, 2021

Virtual Press Conference and Demo: Allen Coral Atlas Completes Map of World’s Coral Reefs

The Allen Coral Atlas will host a virtual press conference with a 10-minute presentation that includes a demonstration of the Atlas, followed by Q&A with partner representatives. 11 a.m. ET. Embargoed press materials are available upon request through the registration page.

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