
"Trump Coronavirus Effort Undermined By Mixed Messages And Falsehoods"

"When Anthony Fauci, clad in a white lab coat, invited an “NBC Nightly News” correspondent into his offices this week and described the coronavirus as an “outbreak” that was reaching “likely pandemic proportions,” the immunologist was acting as he long has during public health crises: delivering a fact-based warning to the public."

Source: Washington Post, 03/04/2020

EPA Board: Trump Rollback of Obama Auto Rule Not As Good For Society

"The Trump administration's plans for addressing vehicle emissions may not be as good for society as an Obama administration rule, according to a review released Monday by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) independent science board."

Source: The Hill, 03/03/2020

"A Trump Insider Embeds Climate Denial in Scientific Research"

"An official at the Interior Department embarked on a campaign that has inserted misleading language about climate change — including debunked claims that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is beneficial — into the agency’s scientific reports, according to documents reviewed by The New York Times."

Source: NY Times, 03/03/2020
May 31, 2020

DEADLINE: BigPicture Emerging Photographer Grant

Are you a photographer 18-25 years old? What ideas do you want to convey around the themes of conservation, biodiversity and sustainability of the natural world? Your fresh approach to this topic presenting your perspective in photographs and media could win you one of two $2,500 grants and mentorship.


New NOAA Dorian Emails Show Tenuous Trump Scientific Credibility

"New emails released from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) show how much concern there was within the agency, and how much questioning and anger from the outside, regarding the credibility of its critical-to-life hurricane forecasts as a result of actions taken during Hurricane Dorian last fall."

Source: Washington Post, 03/02/2020

White House Rewrote EPA Scientists Finding That TCE Damages Fetal Hearts

"John DeSesso was on a mission when he entered the halls of the Environmental Protection Agency in late September. Inside the ornate limestone building not far from the White House, he met with a dozen EPA scientists and officials."

Source: Reveal, 03/02/2020


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