
Mario Molina, Nobel Laureate Who Showed Threat To Ozone Layer, Dies At 77

"Mario Molina, who shared a Nobel Prize in chemistry for demonstrating the threat to the ozone layer posed by CFCs, chemical compounds often found in refrigerants and hair sprays and whose use was later curtailed by a landmark international accord, died Oct. 7 at his home in Mexico City. He was 77."

Source: Washington Post, 10/09/2020

HHS Renews $10.2 Million Contract For COVID-19 Data Tracking Company

"The Department of Health and Human Services decided to award a second $10.2 million, six-month contract to TeleTracking Technologies even though Congressional committees are investigating the process by which the contract was awarded and the HHS Inspector General is looking at how the company is securing the information it is gathering, an NPR Investigation has learned."

Source: NPR, 10/05/2020

Long-Delayed Trump USGS Study Finds That Climate Threatens Polar Bears

"After stalling for months, a top Trump official released a polar bear study by government scientists Friday that highlights the endangered animals’ vulnerability to climate change and the fact that proposed oil drilling in Alaska would probably encroach on their habitat, causing more stress."

Source: Washington Post, 10/05/2020

Dems Ask Why CDC Softened Report on Virus Safety at SD Meat Plant

"A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about safety procedures at a meatpacking plant whose workers were falling ill at an alarming rate early on in the pandemic is raising new questions from Democrats about possible political interference at the agency."

Source: Washington Post, 10/01/2020

Trump Official Stalls Polar Bear Study That Could Affect AK Drilling

"A top official at the Interior Department has delayed the release of a study that shows how oil and gas drilling in Alaska could encroach upon the territory of polar bears — which are already struggling for survival as a warming planet melts their habitat — according to documents obtained by The Washington Post."

Source: Washington Post, 10/01/2020

Need Climate Questions? We’ve Got Climate Questions.

Climate change may have made an unexpected appearance at the raucous 2020 presidential debate last night, but it's equally important to quiz state and local candidates on the topic too. The latest TipSheet offers environment and energy journalists a list of 10 key climate change questions to ask in reporting elections in your coverage area.

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