Bird Lovers Grapple With Honorary Names Linked To Racists (Like Audubon)
"The birding community faces a difficult debate about the names of species connected to enslavers, supremacists and grave robbers".
"The birding community faces a difficult debate about the names of species connected to enslavers, supremacists and grave robbers".
Even with a book in the works and a pledge to not take on new projects, freelance environmental journalist Jeremy Hance couldn’t say no to a series on global insect decline. Despite missing data and numerous other challenges, the resulting project was an award-winning example of explanatory reporting. Insights and lessons learned, in the new Inside Story.
"Ecuador confirmed on Tuesday that a giant tortoise found in 2019 in the Galapagos Islands is a species considered extinct a century ago."
"A team of international researchers has assembled an atlas of microorganisms present in 60 cities around the world."
"There’s a 40% chance that the world will get so hot in the next five years that it will temporarily push past the temperature limit the Paris climate agreement is trying to prevent, meteorologists said."
"The White House is providing fresh details of a major satellite program that administration officials call poised to reveal vital information about climate change and extreme weather events."
"Ben Santer, one of the nation’s leading climate scientists, said he is cutting ties with a prestigious government-funded laboratory over its plans to invite a scientist who has spread climate denial to speak in a seminar."
"Trump EPA officials purposely veered from the agency's principles of scientific integrity to approve continued use of the weedkiller dicamba on genetically modified crops, the agency has admitted."
A government website that tracked climate change is back after being frozen by the Trump administration. But the return of the EPA’s climate indicator page, argues the new WatchDog opinion column, is just one step in undoing a longer-term and more systematic assault on science that has hobbled truth-seeking journalists. WatchDog on what must come next.