
April 27, 2010

The Supreme Court Revisits NEPA: A Post-Argument Panel on Monsanto v. Geertson Farms

Immediately following oral argument before the Supreme Court on April 27, the Environmental Law Institute will gather attorneys involved in the case for a panel discussion about the argument, their impressions of how the Court will resolve the case, its political and legal context, and implications for the future use of injunctions in environmental cases.


"Obama To Propose $6 Billion NASA Budget Increase"

"President Barack Obama will outline a revamped space policy on Thursday that will use $6 billion in new funding over five years to create 2,500 new jobs in Florida with the ultimate goal of going to Mars." "NASA's earth science team would receive an extra $2.4 billion -- a 62 percent increase -- through 2015 to study changing temperatures, ice coverage, ozone depletion, and atmospheric carbon dioxide."

Source: Reuters, 04/14/2010
April 22, 2010

U of Toronto's Centre for Environment Research Day

On Earth Day, the University of Toronto will host a free presentation of research conducted by members of its Centre for Environment.

March 25, 2010

NEPA and Climate Change: CEQ’s Draft Guidance

Hear a diverse group of experts, hosted by the Environmental Law Institute, discuss the impact of the guidance, the timing of its release, and the larger questions about the role of climate change in agency planning. Teleconferencing is available for members of the press.


Survey Finds Little Early Improvement in Science-Meddling Under Obama

George Washington University's Project on Scientific Knowledge and Public Policy (SKAPP) followed up with 37 scientists at 13 federal agencies to see if conditions had improved at their agencies post-Bush. Survey says: Not really, or not yet.

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