
Scientist Asked To Remove ‘Climate Change’ From Grant Proposal

"A Northeastern University researcher who was asked to remove any reference to climate change from her Energy Department grant proposal said Monday that she had posted the letter publicly “because I found it to be a stark reminder of the ongoing politicization of science.”"

Source: Washington Post, 08/29/2017

"Hurricane Harvey Looms, and So Do Trump Cuts to Weather Research"

"Hurricane Harvey is strengthening as it approaches the Texas coast, and the massive storm is underscoring another big disturbance on the way: the battle over President Donald Trump’s proposed cuts to the National Weather Service."

Source: Newsweek, 08/28/2017

"Did Climate Change Intensify Hurricane Harvey?"

"Climate scientists, who specialize in thinking about the Earth system as a whole, are often reticent to link any one weather event to global climate change. But they say that aspects of the case of Hurricane Harvey—and the recent history of tropical cyclones worldwide—suggest global warming is making a bad situation worse."

Source: Atlantic, 08/28/2017


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