New U.S. refineries will process crude oil from Canada's Tar Sands, which means that much of the pollution associated with that refining will occur in the lower 48.
The Gulf waters off of Louisiana aren't the only US area burdened by a "dead zone." There are similar, smaller areas with short- or long-term oxygen depletion off the shores of 20 states, as well as Canada and Mexico.
After recently issuing highly controversial updates for two of the main criteria air pollutants — fine particulates and ozone — EPA is in the midst of its review of two others.
For many reporters, eco wine can be an intensely local story. While not every state has vineyards, viticulture has spread way beyond California in recent decades.
As of Oct. 2, 2007, NOAA and EPA are making daily local forecasts of ground level ozone for the entire contiguous U.S. The latest upgrade adds forecast information for 11 Western states, and improves forecasting for 6 others.
When considering the impact of transportation on the environment, most people think of cars. However, air travel is gaining increasing scrutiny as a climate change culprit.