
"'Clusters' of Death"

"In many places around Western Pennsylvania residents see clusters of death and clusters of people sickened by cancer or heart and lung diseases. And, like Lee Lasich, a Clairton resident, they're frustrated that government health and environmental agencies don't see them too, don't do something about the problems and don't take a tougher stance on enforcement of air pollution regulations."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 12/13/2010

"When It Rains, Pollutants Pour Into Chesapeake Bay"

"The storms blew through Hampton Roads on a Thursday in August, and after the storms came runoff, lots of it, shooting off roofs and pavement into storm drains, and a week after the runoff came the red tide. At Ocean View in Norfolk, the waves were mahogany with pale-red caps, stained by a sudden growth spurt of algae."

Source: Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, 12/13/2010
January 17, 2011

DEADLINE: IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program 2011

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria invites applications by Jan. 17, 2011 from graduate students around the world for its June 1-Sep 1, 2011 YSSP. Students will work closely with an IIASA senior scientist mentor on a project proposed by the student. Fellows selected will receive funding to cover travel to IIASA and a modest living allowance.



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