
3 Years After Huge Sewage Spill El Segundo Still Stinks. Why Can’t LA Fix It?

"On the worst days, Tamara Kcehowski said, she has thrown up when the stench from Los Angeles’ nearby sewage plant overwhelms her El Segundo apartment. She said her dog, Maggie, has even retched alongside her."

Source: LA Times, 12/17/2024

"Velsicol’s Defunct Memphis Plant May Become Environmental Trust"

"Velsicol, a legacy polluter that manufactured pesticides, is proposing to hand over its 83-acre defunct facility in North Memphis to Tennessee as an environmental response trust. Should the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) accept a settlement agreement from the company, the state will be left to determine what to do with wide-ranging contamination including a baseball diamond-shaped pile of hazardous waste and a fluctuating groundwater plume of chemicals beneath it."

Source: Tennessee Lookout, 12/17/2024

"Industrial And Business Groups Send Trump A Deregulatory Wish List"

"More than a hundred industrial trade groups and chambers of commerce are urging President-elect Donald Trump to weaken or eliminate numerous Biden administration regulations on energy, air pollution, recycling, worker heat protections, consumer safeguards and corporate financing, claiming that the rules are “strangling” the nation’s economy."

Source: LA Times, 12/16/2024

"Earthquakes And Blowouts Undermine Case For Carbon Storage In Texas"

"Texas has seen surging interest from companies hoping to bury carbon dioxide in its oilfields, putting the state at the vanguard of a government-subsidized program to fight climate change. But pumping CO2 into the ground could exacerbate earthquakes and well blowouts already happening in the Permian Basin as Texas struggles to manage wastewater disposal, potentially undermining public support."

Source: Reuters, 12/16/2024

"How Trump Could Bring Fish Farms To The Gulf Of Mexico"

"Floating cages with fish by the thousands may be popping in the Gulf of Mexico under a controversial plan that was backed by President-elect Donald Trump’s administration four years ago and is likely to gain traction again after Trump begins his second term next month."

Source: Grist, 12/13/2024


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