Nuclear Power & Radiation

"Nuclear Plant's Use of River Water Prompts $1.1 Billion Debate"

"Just beneath the wind-stippled surface of the Hudson River here, huge pipes suck enough water into the Indian Point  nuclear plant every second to fill three Olympic swimming pools. And each second they take in dozens of organisms -- fish and crabs, but mostly larvae -- that are at the center of a $1.1 billion debate: should the plant have to put in cooling towers that would vastly reduce the intake of water?"

Source: NYTimes, 08/24/2010

"Feds Not Handling Women’s Uranium Claims"

"Women who worked in the Grand Junction offices of the former Atomic Energy Commission have been diagnosed with diseases that would be compensable under the radiation exposure compensation law and related legislation, except for the fact they were employed by the federal government."

Source: Grand Junction Sentinel, 07/06/2010


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