Laws & Regulations

West Virginia: "Bills Would Weaken Water Protections"

"CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A year after a toxic leak contaminated drinking water for 300,000 residents, West Virginia lawmakers are considering a series of proposals that would weaken a new chemical tank safety law, remove stronger pollution protections for streams across the state, and protect the coal industry from enforcement actions over violations of water quality standards."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 02/10/2015
February 27, 2015

DEADLINE: IJNR Sagebrush Country Institute

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources invites applications by Feb 27th for this Apr 6-13, 2015 institute to Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado and Idaho. Fellows will  explore the longstanding Greater Sage Grouse story, its habitat and the area's related natural resource, energy and environment issues.


BP Partner Anadarko Responsible for Oil Spill Fines: Federal Judge

"Anadarko Petroleum Corp., a minority investor in BP's failed Macondo well, is on the hook for federal pollution fines for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, regardless of whether the company was responsible for the disaster, a federal judge said Monday (Feb. 2)."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 02/03/2015

"EPA: Enforcement Officials Up in Arms Over Anti-Gun Push"

"A few years back, U.S. EPA enforcement agents tracked a Utah environmental fugitive to a trailer parked at a marina in the Florida Keys. Larkin Baggett, one of EPA's 'most wanted' criminals at the time, appeared in the trailer doorway sweeping an assault rifle toward the approaching EPA agents and local cops, saying things like, 'I won't go,' according to court documents. The officers opened fire, wounding Baggett and taking him into custody."

Source: Greenwire, 01/30/2015

"Forest Service To Designate Routes for Snowmobiles on Public Lands"

"The U.S. Forest Service adopted a rule on Wednesday that requires managers of the nation’s nearly 200 forests and grasslands to formally designate where snowmobiles can be operated on the 193 million acres of public land the agency oversees."

Source: Reuters, 01/29/2015

"Obama's Base Mobilizes Against President's Free Trade Agenda"

Labor unions and environmentalists say the ultra-secret Trans Pacific Partnership trade treaty could nullify U.S. laws meant to protet Americans. They oppose the administration's bid for "fast-track" authority to present it to Congress on a take-it-or-leave it basis."

Source: Aljazeera America, 01/28/2015


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