Laws & Regulations

"How Many Deaths Did Volkswagen’s Deception Cause in U.S.?"

"Volkswagen’s diesel deception unleashed tons of extra pollutants in the United States, pollutants that can harm human health. So while many commentators have been quick to say that the cheating engines are not a highway safety concern, safety — as in health — is still an issue."

Source: NY Times, 09/29/2015

"CPSC Considers Ban on Toxic Flame Retardants in Household Products"

"For the government's top consumer safety watchdog, protecting Americans from household hazards typically means prodding companies to recall defective products that strangle children, cause life-threatening burns or trigger bone-breaking falls. The chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission thinks it is time to start forcing toxic chemicals off the market too."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 09/25/2015

"Amid Shutdown Battle, A Conservation Fund Seeks A Lifeline"

"As the cal­en­dar flips closer to Sept. 30, the talk on Cap­it­ol Hill is dom­in­ated by Planned Par­ent­hood and the loom­ing gov­ern­ment shut­down. But some fear that lost in the shuffle is an­oth­er, much smal­ler dead­line that could go un­ad­dressed."

Source: National Journal, 09/24/2015


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